Some unfamiliar weeds are growing, but they are pretty so I won't pull them (out).
There are some weeds that I am unfamiliar with growing, but they are pretty so I will let them grow.
I don't know the name of the weeds that are growing, but they are pretty so I will leave them there.
My garden has a bunch of some unfamiliar weed growing in it, but their flowers are pretty so I won't pull them (out).
There are many plants of a weed that I am unfamiliar with growing in my garden, but they have pretty flowers so I will let them grow.
I don't know the name of the weeds that are growing in my garden, but the flowers of the weeds are pretty so I will leave them there.
・「花がかわいい」の場合の「かわいい」を意訳すれば"pretty"が相応しいです。"cute"や"adorable"も言えますが、アメリカ英語では"pretty flowers"は"cute flowers"より普通だと思います。
・「名もない」・「名前がわからない」を"unfamiliar"・"don't know the name"にしました。"unknown"も言えますが、"unknown weed"は「生物学者も知らない、まだ発見されていない雑草」の意味合いです。
・「雑草を抜く」の英語決まり文句は"to pull (out) weeds"・"to pull a weed (out)"です。"out"は不要です。
・上記の例文では「雑草が咲いている」を"weeds are growing"にしたのは、"blooming"は「雑草ではない花が咲く」のイメージです。大抵の雑草は花がなくて可愛くないので、"weeds are blooming"と言われたら少し違和感を感じます。