ーWhat country has the friendliest people in the world?
What country has the friendliest people? を使って表現できます。
the friendliest people で「一番フレンドリーな人たち」
ーWho were the friendliest people you've ever met in your travels?
the friendliest people you've ever met in your travel 「旅行で出会った一番フレンドリーな人たち」を使っても言えると思います。
「どこの国の人が一番フレンドリーだと思う」Which country do you think has the friendliest people?になると思います。Which country do you think has the friendliest set of people?も大丈夫です。
どこの国 – which country
人- people, person
一番フレンドリー – the friendliest
思う- think
どの国の人が一番フレンドリーだと思う? ー Which country do you think has the friendliest people? / What nationality do you think is the friendliest?
どの国の人が ー Which country has / What nationality
一番フレンドリー ー is the friendliest / has the friendliest people
だと思う? ー do you think