世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/27 15:59
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  • What's the noun for that?

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 一例をご紹介します。 {意味} What's the noun for that? その名詞形は何ですか。 {解説} What's the noun for ○? ↑これで「○の名詞形は何ですか」という意味になります。 {例} What's the noun for dissolute? →dissolute の名詞形は? What's the noun for sardonic? →sardonic の名詞形は? What's the noun for lugubrious? →lugubrious の名詞形は? ~~~~~ 参考になれば幸いです。 どうもありがとうございました。
  • What's the noun for XXX?

  • What's the noun form for XXX?

「名詞」は noun です。 あえて「名詞形」と言いたければ noun form ですが、noun だけで問題なく通じます。
  • Is there a noun form of that verb?

  • Is there a verb form of that adjective?

Yes, whether it be a noun, verb or adjective, it is possible that there may be another form of it in another part of speech. "Teacher, if there a verb form of the adjective YELLOW?" "Yes, there is: to yellow,' which means to become yellow or acquire some shading of the colour yellow." "Teacher is there a noun form of the verb 'to eat'?" "Yes, someone who eats may be called an 'eater.,' although this is not used very frequesntly."
名詞、動詞、 形容詞はいろんなフォーム・形があります。 (英文) "Teacher, if there a verb form of the adjective YELLOW?" "Yes, there is: to yellow,' which means to become yellow or acquire some shading of the colour yellow." "Teacher is there a noun form of the verb 'to eat'?" "Yes, someone who eats may be called an 'eater.,' although this is not used very frequesntly." (訳) 「先生、形容詞のYELLOWには動詞はありますか?」 「はい、あります。 to yellowは黄色になるという意味です。」 「動詞のto eatには名詞はありますか?」 「はい、食べている人のことをeaterと言います。しかし、これはあまり使われません。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What is the noun form of...?

  • What is the noun form of the adjective: confusing?

To find out what the noun form of a word of a different part of speech is, you could ask "What is the noun form of...?"
ある言葉の名詞形が何かを尋ねるときの表現です。 "What is the noun form of...?" ~の名詞形は何ですか?
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • What is the noun form of this word.

We often form nouns from other parts of speech, most commonly from a verb or an adjective. We can then use the noun phrase instead of the verb or adjective to create a more formal style. We call this nominalisation: For example wide (adjective)- width (noun) fly(verb)- flight (noun)
名詞は文の中の動詞や形容詞によって形を成します。動詞や形容詞の形式を名詞の形式に変えて丁寧なフレーズにできます。 これを nominalisationといいます: 例 wide (形容詞)- width (名詞) fly(動詞)- flight (名詞)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What is this word as a noun?

  • How is this word written as a noun?

One word may have many forms or meanings. In the English especially, sometimes the form of the word will have a different meaning based on the context of the sentence .You can simply ask what is this word as a noun.
一つの単語が多くの形や意味をもつことがあります。特に英語では、文脈によって意味が変わることがあります。シンプルに「What is this word as a noun?(この単語の名詞は何ですか)」と聞けます。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • What word can I use to make this verb a subject?

  • What word can I use to make this word a subject?

  • What word is best if I want to use this as a noun?

To make your question clearer you want to say the word in question first, and then ask one of the 3 questions mentioned. Asking what word to use to "make the word or change the word into a subject or noun" will help your tutor recognize that you want to know a word in a different form than it is being used. For example, " Kevin runs to the store." You can ask the tutor, "For the word/verb "run" what word is best if I want to use this as a noun?" The tutor will say, "Running" is a form of run that can be used as a noun. Example: Running is Kevin's favorite sport."
質問をよりクリアにするには、まず疑問の言葉を先に言い、それから例にあげた質問をするといいでしょう。その言葉の名詞形にするにはどの言葉を使うのか尋ねるのは、先生が、あなたが使われている言葉の違った形を知りたいのだと分かってくれるでしょう。 例えば、 " Kevin runs to the store."(ケビンは店まで走る)という文があります。先生に、  "For the word/verb "run" what word is best if I want to use this as a noun?" (runという単語/動詞は、名詞形で使いたいときはどの単語がベストですか?)と聞くことができます。先生は、 "Running" is a form of run that can be used as a noun.(runningが名詞として使われます。)と答えるでしょう。 例: Running is Kevin's favorite sport."  走ることはケビンの大好きなスポーツです。
Monicah DMM英会話講師
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