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2016/06/30 16:12
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  • According to the weather forecast, it's going to rain tomorrow. So come ready to either go on the excursion or to have class as usual.

  • It looks like it's going to rain tomorrow, so come prepared for both the excursion and regular classes.

  • It looks like it might rain tomorrow, so come prepared for the trip as well as for regular classes.

英訳1:according to ...は「…によると」、weather forecastは「天気予報」という意味です。 2つ目の文は、2つのパートにわけて考えることができます: come ready = 準備して来て to either go on the excursion or to have class as usual = 遠足に行くために、あるいは通常の授業を受けるために *either A or B「AかBのどちらか」 英訳2:it looks like ...は「…のようである」という意味で、「100%確信はないが、おそらくそうらしい」ということに使われます。 こちらは、both A and Bが使われているので、「遠足と通常授業の両方の用意をして来て」という言い方です。 英訳3:A as well as Bで、「Aと共にBも」という意味になります。come preparedも「準備した状態で来る」ということ。 それぞれのフレーズは似ていますが、それぞれ少し異なる意味やニュアンスを伝えています。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Tomorrow's weather forecast says it will rain, so be ready for either a field trip or regular classes.

  • ... prepare for both a field trip and regular classes.

「明日の雨という予報です」とは、いろいろな言い方があります: The forecast says it will rain tomorrow Tomorrow's forecast is for rain Rain is predicted for tomorrow It's expected to rain tomorrow
Tim Young 主催
  • If it rains, we'll stay at school; if it doesn't, we'll go on the field trip, so please bring clothing and equipment for any eventuality

"...for any eventuality.." means 'in any situation', 'whatever may happen'. The example sentence is necessarily long in order to fully explain the concept.
「for any eventuality」は「どんな状況でも」「何が起こっても」という意味です。 例文は、内容を十分に説明すると、どうしても長くなります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's supposed to rain tomorrow so be prepared for the trip to be canceled and for us to have a normal school day.

  • Be prepared to either go on the trip or stay in the class due to a predicted rain forecast for tomorrow. bi

It is always unfortunate when weather prohibits events. When informing the children that there might be a change in plan, simply tell them there might be rain on the day of our trip so please be prepared to stay in the school. as well as be prepared to go on the trip. Tell them to be ready to do both.
天気によって行事が中止になることはとても残念な事ですね。 子供たちに計画が変わるかもしれない事を伝える時は、単に次のように伝えてください。 【例】 "There might be rain on the day of our trip so please be prepared to stay in the school as well as be prepared to go on the trip." (遠足の日は雨かも知れないので学校の準備も遠足の準備もしてください) どちらの準備もするように伝えてください。
Dezzi DMM英会話講師
  • Come prepared for both a rainy school day or the field trip

  • Bring both supplies for a regular school day and the field trip

We may not be able to go on the field trip tomorrow due to bad weather, but we are not sure yet. Bring your school supplies for a regular school day and the things you need for a field trip so that you can be prepared for both outcomes.
We may not be able to go on the field trip tomorrow due to bad weather, but we are not sure yet. (明日は悪天候のため遠足ができないかもしれませんが。) Bring your school supplies for a regular school day and the things you need for a field trip so that you can be prepared for both outcomes. (どちらになってもいいように通常の授業と遠足の準備を持ってきてください。)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • The field trip will only take place if the weather is good, so make sure you also bring your normal school things.

The field trip will only take place if the weather is good, so make sure you also bring your normal school things. This sentence makes it clear that the school trip is conditional on the weather being good and that if it is bad everything will be the same as usual
The field trip will only take place if the weather is good, so make sure you also bring your normal school things. (天気が良ければ遠足は決行しますが、そうでないときのために普段の学校の用意もしておいてください。) この文は、遠足が天気次第であること、天気が悪い場合は普段通りの学校での生活になることを表します。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • The trip tomorrow is weather dependent so bring both your regular school supplies and the stuff you need for the field trip

To say that something is weather dependent is to say that it will only happen if the weather is suitable for the activity. A field trip is a visit that a class takes during school hours.
something is weather dependent(何かが天候に左右される)というのは、そのアクティビティに天候が適している場合のみ行われます。 field trip(遠足)は、授業時間内に行われる見学のことです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Account for the Weather.

  • Please bring both field & normal materials and clothing, to account for the weather!

When we "account for the weather" we take into consideration what kind of conditions we might be exposed to on any given day...If it's too inclement then the field trip might be cancelled..otherwise it's on! So we need to take into account both scenarions...hence "Account for the weather";-D
"account for the weather"(天気を考慮する・天気を考えて予定を立てる) というフレーズは、天気に合わせて状況を考えるということで日々そのようなことがありますよね。 天気がひどく"inclement"(荒れ模様)の場合は遠足はキャンセルになるかもしれませんし、そうでなければ決行されるでしょう! そのようなときは両方の可能性を考慮しなければなりません。 そのため "Account for the weather"(天気を考えて予定を立てましょう)と言えます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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