「徐々に体が動かなくなっていく」は英語で「You gradually lose the ability to move your body.」と言います。でも、ALSの場合なら「You gradually lose the ability to use your muscles.」でも大丈夫です。筋肉に関する病気なのです。
A disease where you gradually lose the ability to move your body is quite scary, isn't it?
"ALS is a disease that is losing the use of mussels gradually" ⇒ "ALS is a type of disease that gradually makes you lose the use of your muscles."
"lost"=「無くす」という言葉で問題はありませんが、"rob"=「盗む」という言い方も使えます: "ALS is a type of disease that gradually robs you of your use of the muscles."