In Europe, there are many different countries that speak their own different languages.
"In Europe"=「ヨーロッパでは」
"there are many different countries"=「多くの異なる国があります」
"that speak their own different languages"=「それぞれと違う言語を話す(国々が)」
★"different"を二度使うのも単調になってしまうので、二回目は"various" (様々)の方がいいかもしれません。
Europe is a continent where so many different languages are spoken in all the different countries that are stuck together there.
There are so many different countries with so many different languages in Europe.
ーEurope is a continent where so many different languages are spoken in all the different countries that are stuck together there.
continent 「大陸」
so many different languages are spoken 「とても多くの異なる言語が話される」
stick together で「くっついている」
ーThere are so many different countries with so many different languages in Europe.