It would be great if I can go on a lot of trips next year.
「今年の夏は外出自粛でほとんど出掛けられなかったので、来年は今年の分もお出掛けできたらいいなぁ。」は英語で「Because I was self-quarantining this summer I couldn't really go anywhere, so it would be great if I could go everywhere I wanted to next year.」という表現が良いと思います。
外出自粛ーSelf Quarantine
出掛けるーTo go out・To go on a trip
I hope I can get out a lot more next year and make up for all the times I couldn't this year.
ーI hope I can get out a lot more next year and make up for all the times I couldn't this year.
to get out a lot more で「もっとたくさん出かける」