世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/28 17:22
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  • I spent the whole day on the computer.

  • I sat in front of the computer all day.

①I spent the whole day on the computer. 直訳: 今日は[一日中](パソコンで[作業をしてた](。 パソコンで何かしらの作業をする際、"be on the computer"という表現をします。 "spend the day〜" =〜して一日を過ごす。 これの過去形なのでspentになります。 ②I sat in front of the computer all day 直訳: 今日は一日パソコンの前に座っていた。 "sit in front of the computer"=パソコンの前に座る パソコンの前に座っていた=パソコンとにらめっこ。 どちらかというとネガティブなニュアンスかもしれません。
  • I had a staring contest with my computer screen all day today.

  • I stared at my computer screen all day.

I had a staring contest with my computer screen all day today. 今日は[1日中](パソコンの[画面](とにらめっこしてました。 I stared at my computer screen all day. 1日中パソコンの画面を見てました。 「にらめっこ」は staring contest です。 そのままですね! たとえば「疲れた」を強調したいのであれば、次のような言い方も良いですね。 I'm tired of having staring contests with my computer screen. もうパソコンの画面とにらめっこするのは飽きたよ。 I'm tired from staring at my computer screen all day. 1日中パソコンの画面を見てて疲れたよ。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I was stuck to the computer all day

  • I am married to my computer

Both these expressions are informal. I am married to my computer is a humorous/funny way to express spending a lot of time with someone or something. Very often people are married to their jobs because they spend a lot of time working and it appears to be their number 1 relationship. Stuck to the computer has the same meaning as glued to the computer meaning you cannot get free from the computer.
両方の表現ともにくだけた言い方です。 I am married to my computer. パソコンと結婚した。 これは、パソコンとずっと仕事をしているという意味のユーモラスでおもしろい表現です。パソコンと向き合う時間が多すぎでナンバーワンの関係になってしまったという感じです。ほとんどの人はそういうわけではないと思いますが。  Stuck to the computer も glued to the computerと同じ意味で、パソコンから離れられないという意味です。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • I stared at the computer screen all day.

  • I was on the computer all day.

The literal translation is, "I stared at my computer all day." This means that you had a lot of work to do on the computer. If you have a job that makes you work on the computer all day, you could express that by saying: I have to stare at my computer all day at work. Or, something similar to that.
直訳すると "I stared at my computer all day."(一日中、パソコンを見ている)となります。これは、パソコンでの仕事がたくさんあったということを意味します。 もし一日中パソコンで仕事をしているなら、以下のように言うことができます。  I have to stare at my computer all day at work. 仕事で、一日中パソコンに向かっていないといけない。
Ashley P DMM英会話講師
  • I've been working - on the computer all day

  • I've been on my pc, working throughout the day

PC = personal computer or desktop computer system Throughout = from beginning to end of (an event or period of time). "This is the Church of which she was a faithful member throughout her life." "James what have you been doing all day?" "I've been on my pc, working throughout the day. Fancy a pint?" "Sure thing!"
PC =パーソナルコンピュータまたはデスクトップコンピュータ。パソコン Throughout =最初から最後まで(イベントまたは期間)。 "これは彼女が人生を通して敬虔なメンバーだった教会です。" "ジェームズ、一日中何をしてきたの?" "私はPCで一日中働いていました。飲みにでもいく?” "もちろん"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I've been at my computer all day.

  • I have not left my computer all day.

  • I have been glued to my computer screen all day.

Saying you have been "at" your computer shows that you have not left it/you have been dutifully working on your computer. Being "glued" to something means that you are extremely interested in something OR stuck doing something. It is a metaphorical way of showing how busy you have been! For example: "I am glued to the TV when the football is on." "I will be glued to my laptop until I have finished my homework."
“have been at computer”(パソコンの前にいる)ということは パソコンから離れていない、あるいは、パソコンで作業している という意味があります。 “glued”(ひっついた)というのは、 とても何かに興味がある、あるいは、何かから離れられない という意味です。 どのくらい忙しいかを示す比喩の表現方法です。 例文 “I am glued to the TV when the football is on.” (フットボールが放映されているとき、私はテレビに釘付けになります。) “I will be glued to my laptop until I have finished my homework.” (宿題が終わるまで、パソコンから離れられません。)
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • I was on the computer the whole day today.

The sentence above doesn't mean that you were literally sitting on top of the computer. It is an expression that means that you were seating in front of the computer the whole day.
これはパソコンの上に実際に座っている、という意味ではありません。 これは、一日中コンピュータの前で座っていた、という意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • "I have been on the computer for the whole day today at work"

  • "I sat in front of the computer all day at work"

If you wanted to explain that you have been working on the computer for the whole day at work, you could say either of the following to express this: "I have been on the computer for the whole day today at work" or "I sat in front of the computer all day at work".
「一日中パソコンの前の仕事だった」は次のように言えます。 "I have been on the computer for the whole day today at work"(今日は一日中パソコンとにらめっこだった) "I sat in front of the computer all day at work"(一日中パソコンとにらめっこだった)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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