Could you narrow it down and explain your main point once more?
Could you tell us your main point using another example?
"Could you get to the point? "と言えば相手の気分を害する可能性は大ですので、気をつけてくださいね。
Your presentation was a little over my head. Could you explain your main point again?
It was difficult for me to understand your explanation. Could you tell us your main point with another example?
1. Could you please explain that in words of one syllable?
2. Wow! You've lost me!
3. I didn't quite catch the meaning of that.
1. This phrase asks the speaker to simplify their explanation.
2. This phrase explains that you did not follow the explanation and finally, don't understand anything.
3. This is a polite way of saying you may have partially understood but require further explanation or rephrasing.
His explanation lasted over an hour! By then I had totally lost the point..
I lost the point( of the conversation) When we explain things we are supposed to
bring clarity and understanding...Howvever, sometimes we fail and this around us...
lose the whole "point of the conversation"
"His explanation lasted over an hour! By then I had totally lost the point.
(of the conversation)
I lost the point( of the conversation)
"His explanation lasted over an hour! By then I had totally lost the point.
When using the verb, "to summarize," we are asking them to give use the main points or highlights of the idea and hopefully making their longer story more clear. We can also use the verbs, "to simplify," or, "to narrow," to ask the speaker to make things more clear for us because the idea or story is too long or complicated.
1= With this sentence you letting the person know that you missed what the main point of the story was.
You remain polite and respectful and at the same time making it clear that you did not understand fully.
2=With this sentence you are letting the person know that you wish for them to shorten their story and highlight the main points.
*I got lost along the way, may you please repeat.-to repeat means to do or say again.
Example Sentences:
Please repeat the question.
You are repeating the same mistake again.
*I got lost along the way, may you please repeat.
Please repeat the question.
You are repeating the same mistake again.