I ran home covered in sweat even though its this cold outside.
- I ran home covered in sweat even though its this cold.
- Despite it being this cold outside, I ran home covered in sweat.
こんなに寒いのに - Despite it being this cold (outside); even though its this cold (outside)
汗だく - covered in sweat; sweaty
走ってっ帰ってきました - ran home
I can't believe I sweat so much in this cold running home from work.
It's hard to believe I sweat as much as I did running home from my friend's house in this cold weather.
ーI can't believe I sweat so much in this cold running home from work.
to sweat so much「たくさん汗をかく・汗だくになる」
in this cold「この寒さの中」
ーIt's hard to believe I sweat as much as I did running home from my friend's house in this cold weather.