世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/30 10:23
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  • Could I make an appointment on the earliest available afternoon?

Could I make an appointment on the earliest available afternoon? 直近の午後で空いてる時間ありますか。 海外で歯医者に行かれるのですか?どうぞお大事に。 I’m very sensitive to pain, so could you give me an anesthetic? 痛みに[敏感](なので、[麻酔](をしてくれますか。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • Do you have any spot available in the immediate afternoon?

  • Could I book an appointment in the immediate afternoon?

Spot availableは俗に「開いている時間・コマ」を指します。 [直近](の[午後](は immediate afternoon で通じますよ。 (午後が空いている日すぐ、という意味でよろしかったのでしょうか?)。 Book an appointment で予約をする(make an appointmentと同じ意味ですが、book も使われます) I'd like an anesthetic because I cannot tolerate the pain. (痛いのが嫌(耐えられない)ので、麻酔をお願いしたい) tolerate は「耐える」という意味がありますが、痛みなどにも使えます。 海外での麻酔は(体質にもよるかと思いますが)効き目は強い方かと思います。 私もカナダで随分と歯医者にお世話になりました・・・・・汗
  • What's the closest time in the afternoon that's available for an appointment?

  • Are there any available spots this afternoon for a checkup?

What's the closest time in the afternoon that's available for an appointment?=直近の午後で空いている時間は何時ですか? Are there any available spots this afternoon for a checkup?=今日の午後で診察してもらえる時間ってありますか? 麻酔を使うべく治療であれば何を言わずとも歯医者さんは使うかと思いますが、敢えて強調したいのであれば: I'm very weak to pain, please use as much anesthetics as possible=痛いのはとても苦手なので、出来るだけの麻酔を使って下さい 麻酔=anesthetics 少し発音が難しいので音声付きで検索してみて下さい。 予約する際の電話時で痛くて痛くてしょうがない!と伝えたら少し緊急扱いして早めに予約が取れるかもしれないのでそれも試してみましょう: I'm in a lot of pain!=すごく痛いんです! It's an emergency!=緊急事態なんです! なお、あまり大げさに言うと後から恥ずかしい思いをするので程々に。
  • I'd like the earliest available appointment date please.

  • Do you have any available spots this afternoon.

1. "I'd like the earliest available appointment date please." An appointment is an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place. If you ask for the earliest available appointment, you are asking to meet that person as soon as it is possible. 2. "Do you have any available spots this afternoon." This question is really asking if there are any available time slots that any other clients have not reserved.
1. I'd like the earliest available appointment date please. 「An appointment」とは、特定の時間と場所で誰かに会う調整です。 もし、一番早い空いている日時にで約束をしたのであれば、できるだけ早く会いたいと依頼することができます。 2. Do you have any available spots this afternoon. これは、他の顧客が予約していない空いている時間があるかどうか尋ねる質問です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any available appoints coming up in the afternoon?

For pain medication, you can say "can you use some anesthesia during treatment so that I don't have much pain?". Please request it as it is not standard unless the treatment is invasive.
痛みを和らげるため、"Can you use some anesthesia during treatment so that I don7t have much pain?"と言うことができます。 どうしても必要でない限り麻酔は標準ではありませんので、どうぞ先生にお願いしてください。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • What is the earliest date I can get an afternoon appointment?

  • Can I get the earliest afternoon appointment?

  • How soon can I come for an afternoon appointment

1. The earliest date would be the first date with an available afternoon opening for an appointment. Specifying an 'afternoon appointment' will indicate that you specifically want to come in the afternoon. 2. Staring the sentence with 'can I get' means you are making a request for an appointment. 3. How soon also refers to the first available date and time.
1. The earliest date は午後で予約可能な 最初の日です。 'afternoon appointment'と明記することで 特に午後に来たいということを 表しています。 2.'can I get' で文を始めると、 予約をしたいということを 意味しています。 3. How soonも直近で予約可能な 日時を表しています。
Essa DMM英会話講師
  • Could I come in this afternoon?

  • What about tomorrow afternoon?

  • How about Thursday afternoon?

Usually people wish to make an appointment as quickly as possible with a doctor. You may request an appointment on the day of your enquiry: "Could I come in this afternoon?" Or, if today is full, you may ask about tomorrow: "What about tomorrow afternoon?" If that day has no slots, then you may ask: "How about Thursday afternoon?" If that day is full, it may be better to say: "When is the earliest afternoon I could come in please?"
普通は医師とできるだけ早くアポが取れるように望みますよね。 お願いしたその日に診てもらうことができないかお願いすることもできます。 例 "Could I come in this afternoon?" もし今日がいっぱいなら、Tomorrowで尋ねてみましょう。 "What about tomorrow afternoon?" もしその日がいっぱいなら、このように尋ねてみても良いですね。 "How about Thursday afternoon?" もしそれでもいっぱいなら、こう尋ねましょう。 "When is the earliest afternoon I could come in please?" (午後で空いている日は一番近くていつですか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What is the earliest afternoon appointment you can give me?

  • I would like an afternoon appointment please, the earliest one!

  • Could I have the earliest appointment for an afternoon visit?

The patient has 2 requests: 1) He/she wants an afternoon appointment. 2) He/she wants the earliest appointment. The booking of an appointment can be worded as follows: 1. I am only free in the afternoon...When will be the earliest that I can see the doctor? 2. I would like the earliest appointment to see Dr. Hawkins. Afternoons suit me best! 3. I would like to see Dr. Peters any afternoon this week. When's the earliest I could see him?
その患者は2つ要求しています。 1) 午後の予約を希望している。 2)一番はやい時間の予約を希望している。 予約は以下のように言います。 例文 1. I am only free in the afternoon...When will be the earliest that I can see the doctor? 午後しか時間が空いていません。 診察して頂ける一番早い時間はいつですか? 2. I would like the earliest appointment to see Dr. Hawkins. Afternoons suit me best! ホーキンス先生に一番はやい時間で診察して頂きたいです。 午後が一番都合が良いです。 3. I would like to see Dr. Peters any afternoon this week. When's the earliest I could see him? 今週の午後なら何時でも良いので、ホーキンス先生に診察して頂きたいです。 診察して頂ける一番早い時間はいつですか?
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Do you have any appointments available this afternoon?

  • When is the earliest available appointment after 12 that you have?

  • When is you next available appointment? Anytime after 12 pm suits me.

When is the earliest available appointment after 12 that you have? - we would say this when you want the next available appointment but you can only come after 12 pm. Do you have any appointments this week anytime after 12 pm? All of these are okay to use.
When is the earliest available appointment after 12 that you have? (12時以降で予約できるのは一番早くていつですか) ↑午後12時以降でないと行けないけどできるだけ早く予約したい時、に使います。 Do you have any appointments this week anytime after 12 pm? (今週は午後12時以降、予約は入っていますか) これらすべて、使えます。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Which afternoons are available?

  • Are there any vacant afternoons?

  • Can I come in during the week, in the afternoon?

When making an appointment, you want to select a date and time that is convenient for you and your weeks' plans. Use the sentences above to ask for available dates when making an appointment. Vacant: open, free "I need to have my chest examined, it feels very weak. Can I come in during the week sometime for an afternoon slot?" Examined: look at, analyzed
予約をするときには、自分にとって都合の良い日時を選ばなければなりません。 予約ができる日を確認するときには、上記の文が使えます。 Vacant: 空いている/暇な "I need to have my chest examined, it feels very weak. Can I come in during the week sometime for an afternoon slot?" (胸を検査してもらわないといけません、調子が良くありません。平日の昼間で診てもらえる日はありますか) Examined: 見る/分析した
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any spots open in the afternoon?

  • I'd like to make an appointment on the earliest possible afternoon.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・Do you have any spots open in the afternoon? 夕方に空いている時間はありますか? ・I'd like to make an appointment on the earliest possible afternoon. 一番近い夕方の時間で予約したいのですが。 make an appointment がここでは「予約をする」という意味になります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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