The duration of the TOEIC is too long that I can't maintain my concentration as I usually would be able to.
"The duration of the TOEIC is too long"=「TOEICのテスト時間は長すぎて」
"that I can't maintain my concentration"=「集中力を維持することができない」
"as I usually would be able to."=「普段の出来るようには。」
☆"maintain"は少しフォーマルなニュアンスがあるので、もう少しカジュアルに言う場合は"keep"も使えます。(”I can't keep my concentration")
"The test is too long, and I can't stay focused the whole time."
「テスト時間が長すぎて集中力がもたない」という内容を伝える際には、「too long」(長すぎる)と「can't stay focused」(集中力が続かない)を使うことで簡潔に表現できます。また、「the whole time」(ずっと、全体の時間)を加えることで、特に集中が続かない状況を強調できます。
1. The TOEIC test is so long that I lose focus halfway through.
2. I always find it hard to stay focused during long tests like TOEIC.
3. By the end of the test, my focus is completely gone because it's just too long.