① I'm not as sharp as I used to be when I was younger.
「① I'm not as sharp as I used to be when I was younger.」は「若い時と比べて頭の切れが良くない」という意味です。
sharp は頭の切れを意味します。
イディオムで「He's not the sharpest tool in the box」というのがあります。意味は「彼はあまり頭の切れが良くない」になります。
Compared to when I was younger, my brain is so slow at processing information.
I'm not as witty and sharp as I used to be
Compared to when I was younger, my brain is so slow at processing information.
I'm not as witty and sharp as I used to be
*witty and sharp=頭の回転が早い、切れる人
I'm getting very slow.