I didn't have a very good answer for the question he asked me.
ーI wasn't able to answer the question very well.
wasn't able to answer the question very well で「質問にうまく答えられなかった」
ーI didn't have a very good answer for the question he asked me.
didn't have a very good answer for the question で「質問にうまく答えられなかった」とも言えます。
"I wasn’t able to give a good answer to the question."
1. "I couldn’t answer the question well."
2. "I wasn’t able to give a good answer to the question."
1. **couldn’t answer well**
2. **wasn’t able to give a good answer**
3. **to the question**
「その質問に対して」という対象を明確にするための表現です。「about the question」も同様に使えますが、ニュアンスが少し異なり「質問について答えられなかった」場合に適しています。