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2016/07/22 21:31
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  • Do all of the locals speak English?

  • Does everyone in the Philippines speak English?

Do all of the locals speak English?=現地人は皆英語を喋れますか? Does everyone in the Philippines speak English?=フィリピンの人達は皆英語喋れますか? 現地人=local(s) 「皆喋れる」と言う事はないでしょうから、「Do most of the people」(ほとんどの人達は)と聞いた方が現実的で失礼がないかもしれません。
  • Can Filipinos speak English?

  • Can everyone speak English in the Philippines?

  • Do the people in the Philippines speak English?

フィリピン人はFilipinoともPhilippineとも言います。 あるいは、フィリピンにいる人々でthe people in Philippinesでもいいですね。
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • Is English the only language that the local people of the Philippines speak?

  • Does all the local people in the Philippines speak English?

▪Is English the only language that the local people of the Philippines speak? This is asking indirectly what other language the people speak in the Philippines. ▪Does all the local people in the Philippines speak English? This is asking if everyone in the Philippines can speak English.
▪Is English the only language that the local people of the Philippines speak? 英語はフィリピンの地元の人々が話す唯一の言語ですか? これは、フィリピンの人々が他にどんな言語を話すのか間接的に尋ねています。 ▪Does all the local people in the Philippines speak English? フィリピンの全ての人々が英語を話しますか? これはフィリピンの人々全員が英語を話すことができるのかどうかを尋ねています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Does everyone speak English in your homeland?

  • Does all the population know English in your country?

"You're from Hong Kong, aren't you?" "Yes." "Well, why are you speaking English? You should be speaking Chinese, shouldn't you?" "Twenty years ago, the whole island spoke a lot of English every day. But that is changing now since China took back that territory." "But,does all the population know English there?" "Yes I think so. But that may change in the future."
例文です。 "You're from Hong Kong, aren't you?" あなたは香港から来たのですよね? "Yes." はい。 "Well, why are you speaking English? You should be speaking Chinese, shouldn't you?" では、なぜ英語を話すのですか? 中国語を話すのではないのですか? "Twenty years ago, the whole island spoke a lot of English every day. But that is changing now since China took back that territory." 20年前、全ての島は毎日たくさんの英語を話しました。 しかし、中国に返還されてからそれは変わりました。 "But,does all the population know English there?" でも、全ての住民が英語を知っているのですか? "Yes I think so. But that may change in the future." はい、そう思います。でも、将来それは変わるかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do all the local people in the Philippines speak English?

  • Is English the national language of the Philippines?

Most countries, if not all, choose a language, or languages to be their national language or languages. The chosen language or languages then become the language or languages that people speak generally or openly. It is then expected of the majority of the local people to know how to speak the national language or languages. In most countries, English is usually one of the national languages. However, just to make sure, you may ask a teacher or a tourist from the Philippines as follows: Do all the local people in the Philippines speak English? or Is English the national language of the Philippines?
ほとんどの国では、全てはないですが、ある言語を国の言語として選びます。選ばれた言語は国民が一般的に自由に話す言語となります。現地の大半の人々がその母国語を話すことができるとみなされます。ほとんどの国では、英語は通常、母国語の1つです。しかし、念のため、フィリピン出身の講師やフィリピンからの観光客に次のように聞くことができます: Do all the local people in the Philippines speak English?(フィリピンの地元の人々はみんな英語を話しますか?) Is English the national language of the Philippines?(英語はフィリピンの母国語ですか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Is English one of the main languages in the Philippines?

  • Is English a widely spoken language in the Philippines?

  • Is English a common language among the locals in the Philippines?

When one wants to know if a language is widely spoken in a country you may ask in the following ways; Is English one of the main languages? main language- A national language. Is English widely spoken? widely spoken- very commonly used You may also simply ask 'Do many people speak the language?' or ' Do all the locals understand English?'
ある言語がある国で広く話されているのか知りたい時は次のような方法で聞くことができます; Is English one of the main languages?(英語は主要な言語(母国語)のひとつですか?) main language- 母国語 Is English widely spoken?(英語は広く話されていますか?) widely spoken- とても一般的に使われている 単純に次のように聞くこともできます: 'Do many people speak the language?'(多くの人がその言語を話しますか?) 'Do all the locals understand English?'(多くの現地の人は英語を理解しますか?)
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Do all the locals speak English?

  • Does everyone in the Phillippines speak English?

  • Does everyone in your country speak English?

If you are talking about where you live then you can ask 'your country' or when referring to the people there we refer to them as 'locals' If you know the country or want to know more about it then you can also mention the country itself (Phillippines)
相手の国のことは'your country'(あなたの国)と言えます。そして、そこにいる人たち(現地の人)のことは'locals'と言います。 その国を知っている、あるいはそれについてもっと詳しく知りたいのなら、国名を言ってもいいです(Phillippines[フィリピン])。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Does everyone in your country speak English?

  • Do the the majority of people in the Philippines speak English?

Since it's unlikely that every, single one of the local people speaks English, you could say 'majority', which just means 'most' or something greater than half or 50%. You could also ask 'What is the approximate percentage of English speakers in the Philippines?'
現地の人全員が英語を話せるということはおそらくないでしょうから、'majority'が使えます。'majority'は「ほとんど」または「過半数」という意味です。 また、次のように言うことも出来ます。 'What is the approximate percentage of English speakers in the Philippines?' [訳]フィリピンでは大体どのくらいの割合の人が英語を話すのですか?
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • Does everyone speak English there?

  • Is English spoken by everyone in the Phllippines?

I would use one of these phrases to ask your question because they are straightforward and should be easy for the other person to understand. When using "Does everyone speak English there?", "there" refers to the Philippines. The person you are asking should understand this if you are already talking about the Philippines in general. Otherwise, I would use the similar phrase: "Is English spoken by everyone in the Phllippines?" I hope this was helpful :)
私だったらこれらのフレーズの一つを使ってこの質問をします。これらは単刀直入な聞き方なので相手にとっても分かりやすいと思います。 "Does everyone speak English there?"(そこではみんな英語を話すのですか)の"there"はフィリピンを指します。既にフィリピンのことが話題になっていれば、相手に伝わるはずです。 他には、それに似たフレーズの: "Is English spoken by everyone in the Phllippines?"(フィリピンではみんな英語を話すのですか) これも使えるでしょう。 お役に立てれば幸いです :)
Rhi DMM英会話講師
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