世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




私以外はexcept me だと思いますが、but me や other than me など辞書にあります。どうやって使い分けるのでしょうか?
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2016/07/22 22:14
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  • Everyone except me has a day off tomorrow.

  • Everyone other than me has a day off tomorrow.

  • Everyone but me has a day off tomorrow.

Everyone except me has a day off tomorrow. [明日](は私[以外](みんな休みです。 基本的に"except me" "but me" と "other than me"は同じように使えます。ニュアンスとカジュアルさもほとんど変わりません。是非使ってみてください!
  • Everyone except for me has a day off tomorrow

  • I'm the only one working tomorrow

Everyone except for me has a day off tomorrow=私以外の皆は[明日](休みです I'm the only one working tomorrow=明日[働いてる](のは私だけです 二つとも同じ意味ですが、注目するのが周りの者か自分かの違いがあります。前者はどちらかと言うと「私だけ働いているんですけど、、」と文句を言っている感じで、後者は「明日働いているのは私だけです」と言うニュアンスです。嫌み無しで言いたい時は「I'm the only one at the office tomorrow」(明日出社してるのは私だけです)や「I'll be the only one available from our company tomorrow」(明日社内で連絡を取れるのは私だけです」)等の言い回しを使いましょう。
  • Everyone's off tomorrow, bar me!

  • With the exception of me, everyone's off tomorrow!

  • Apart from me, everyone's got a holiday!

Bar =except for. "His kids were all gone now, bar one." To be off = Without obligation to or free from something, especially work or school. "I'm finally off for my summer vacation!" "Jonah's off today, he'll be back in the office on Monday." "Hey, Henry! Why aren't you at work today?" "Oh, the boss gave us a day off!" "What? everyone?" "Well, everyone apart from Richard. He's the only one at work."
・Bar =を除いて "His kids were all gone now, bar one." (彼の子供たちは一人を除いてみんな行ってしまった) ・To be off = 特に仕事や学校の義務を負うことなく、自由なこと。 【例文】 "I'm finally off for my summer vacation!" (やっと夏休みだ!) "Jonah's off today, he'll be back in the office on Monday." (ジョナは今日休みです。月曜日にオフィスに戻ります。) "Hey, Henry! Why aren't you at work today?" (やぁヘンリー!今日は何で働いてないの?) "Oh, the boss gave us a day off!" (おー、上司が休みをくれた!) "What? everyone?" (何?みんなに?) "Well, everyone apart from Richard. He's the only one at work." (えっと、リチャード以外全員だよ。彼だけ仕事)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Everyone is off tomorrow, except for me.

  • Everybody has the day off tomorrow but me.

  • All of my coworkers have the day off tomorrow, save me.

To talk about all people we say 'everyone' or 'everybody' If we want to communicate that all the people at work have a day off but not you, say: "Everyone (everybody) has the day off tomorrow, except for me." The phrases 'except for me' and 'but me' set you outside of the group of 'everybody'. This means that you do not include yourself in the group of people described as 'everyone' or 'everybody'. For example, Everybody at singing club says rap music is great, except for me. Everyone likes chocolate, but me. but me, except for me, save me = these all mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably.
全ての人について話す時は、'everyone' 又は 'everybody'と言います。 職場で自分以外の全員が休みだと言いたい時は 例文 "Everyone (everybody) has the day off tomorrow, except for me." 私以外は全員明日は仕事が休みです。 except for me'と'but me'というフレーズは、あなたをみんなのグループから除外します。このフレーズは、みんなと言っている人のグループにあなたは含まれていないということです。 例文 Everybody at singing club says rap music is great, except for me. 私以外の合唱部のみんなはラップが素晴らしいと言う Everyone likes chocolate, but me. 私以外はみんなチョコレートが好きだ but me, except for me, save me は意味が同じで、入れ替えて使うことができます。
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • Everyone has the day off tomorrow except me.

  • Everyone has the day off tomorrow but me.

  • Everyone has the day off tomorrow other than me.

>▪Everyone has the day off tomorrow except me >except=not including; other than ▪Everyone has the day off tomorrow but me >But me=except; apart from; other than ▪Everyone has the day off tomorrow other than me >other than me=apart from; except. ● All the above have the same meaning
▪Everyone has the day off tomorrow except me except=を含まない、を除いて ▪Everyone has the day off tomorrow but me But me=を除いて、以外 ▪Everyone has the day off tomorrow other than me other than me=以外、を除いて 上記はすべて同じ意味です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'm the only one working tomorrow

  • everyone is off except me

  • everyone but me is off tomorrow

Example All of the above mean the same in this context, they are just different ways of saying it using different vocabulary. "I am the only one working tomorrow". or "I am working tomorrow, I'm the only one in". both are the same but slightly different expressions. "Everyone except me is off tomorrow" is the same as saying "Everyone but me is off tomorrow". "Except me " and "but me" are the same in this context.
例にあげた表現は全て同じ意味で、言い方や使う語彙が違うだけです。  "I am the only one working tomorrow".  私だけが明日働きます。 "I am working tomorrow, I'm the only one in" 明日仕事です。私だけが働きます。 両方とも同じ意味ですが、表現の仕方が少し違います。   "Everyone except me is off tomorrow"  "Everyone but me is off tomorrow" 上の二つとも、私以外は明日休みですという同じ意味になります。   この場合、exceptもbutも~以外という意味になります。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Everyone has the day off tomorrow with the exception being myself.

  • I am the only one that will be working tomorrow.

The word "except" and its derivatives are used when there is a situation different to how it would normally be or to those around it. The phrase "exception to the rule" means that the rule is in place but there is a situation to which the rule does not apply.
"except"と、その派生語は、普通はそうであるという状況と違うときに使われます。"exception to the rule"というフレーズは、ルールはあるけれど、そのルールが適用されない場合もあるという意味です。
Papo DMM英会話講師
  • Everyone else got a day off except for me.

  • I am the only one working today.

You are the only one without a day off, well, you can use one of these sentences or phrases to help you out. For example. Everyone else got a day off except for me. Why? Well, I need to catch up on work, so I need to be here. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will あなたは休みのない唯一の人です、まあ、あなたはあなたを助けるためにこれらの文章やフレーズのいずれかを使用できます。 例えば。 私以外はみんな休みました。 どうして? まあ、仕事に追いつく必要があるので、ここにいる必要があります。 それがお役に立てば幸いです。 すてきな一日を。 意志
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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