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食わず嫌いをしていた料理を初めて食べた感想です。 〜と思わなかったは I didn't thinkとI never thoughtのどちらでも大丈夫なのでしょうか? もし使い分ける時の注意点などもありましたら教えて下さい(>_<)
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2016/07/25 07:07
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  • I didn't think it would be this delicious

  • I had no idea it would be this delicious

  • I didn't think it would be that good

Hey there shota! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです! 英語の言い方はだいたい二つあります I didn't think it would be this delicious I didn't think it would be that delicious この場合の「this」と「that」の使い分けは? I didn't think it would be that delicious の方は、美味しくないと思ってた時に使います。 I didn't think it would be this delicious の方は、[美味しい](と思ってたのですがさらに美味しかったという意味です。 [感動した](場合、 I had no ideaを使います。 I had no idea it would be this delicious! よろしくお願いします! アーサーより
  • I never thought it would be this good

  • I didn't expect it to be this delicious

I never thought it would be this good=こんなに[美味しい](とは思いもしなかった Goodと言う何にでも使える言葉なのでこのフレーズは何にでも使えます。(例えばずっと見た事なかった映画や初めて体験する事) I didn't expect it to be this delicious=こんなに美味しいとは[期待して](いなかった expect=期待 delicious=美味しい、美味
  • I didn’t expect/think that it was so tasty!

  • I didn’t expect it/that to be so tasty!

  • I’ve never thought it could be so good!

「~とは思わなかった」という表現ですが、 「I didn’t expect/think that S+V~.」 「I didn’t expect 名詞 to do ~.」 「I’ve never thought that S+V~.」 などというように表せます。 (※個人的には「expect」という動詞を、この場合は多く使います!) ご質問にございました、 「I didn't thinkとI never thoughtのどちらでも大丈夫なのでしょうか?」 という問いに関しましては、下記をご参照ください! ○「I didn't think」(「~とは思わなかった」) ×「I never thought」 → ○「I’ve never thought 」(「~とは思いもしなかった」) 以上です! ご参考されてください☆
  • That tasted better than I expected.

  • That was so much more yummy than I imagined it would be!

  • That really got my taste buds tingling. I never expected that!

Any of those expressions would suffice.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Wow this is tastier than I thought!

  • I didn't imagine it would be this delicious!

  • What a pleasant surprise,this tastes great!

These are all great ways to show surprise for something that tastes unexpectedly great.When you say " Wow this is tastier than I thought! " it means that you initially thought it would have a terrible taste and now you have been proven wrong. "I didn't imagine it would be this delicious!" This means you had originally thought it would be terrible based on what it looks like ,the ingredients put into it or your own imagined thoughts of what it was likely to taste like and you are now pleasantly surprised by its taste. "What a pleasant surprise,this tastes great!" This is also another way to express surprise at a dish you assumed would be terrible.
想像もしなかったほどおいしいというときにぴったりの表現です。 " Wow this is tastier than I thought! "思ったよりもおいしい! まずいとおもっていたものが実はおいしくて自分の考えは間違っていたというニュアンス "I didn't imagine it would be this delicious!"こんなにおいしいとは想像もしてなかった。 見た目や材料、想像でまずいと思っていたけどその味のおいしさに驚いているという意味。 "What a pleasant surprise,this tastes great!"なんてうれしい驚き!これ本当においしい! まずいと思っていたものがおいしかったときの他の言い方です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Didn't except it to taste that good.

  • I didn't think it will be that delicious.

"Didn't except it to taste that good." means that you didn't think it will taste very good. It was beyond your expectations.
"Didn't except it to taste that good."こんなにおいしいとは想像しなかった。 は、それがそんなにおいしいとは思ってなかった。 想像を超えていたという意味
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I wasn't expecting it to be this delicious.

  • I didn't know it would be this delicious.

You can use any of the above two sentences when something exceeds your expectations. Example; A; How was the food? B; It was great! I didn't expect it to be this delicious.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • delicious

  • delightful, delectable,tasty

examples "i never knew it tasted that good!". "this is so tasty". "its delicious". or more formally "this meal is delightful". or "the flavours are delectable".
例文 "I never knew it tasted that good!". こんなに美味しいなんて知らなかった "This is so tasty". これは本当に美味しい "It's delicious". それはとても美味しい もっとフォーマルに言うのであれば 例文 "This meal is delightful". この食事は素晴らしい "The flavours are delectable". 味が素晴らしい
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • That dish surpassed my expectations!

When referring to food on a plate, one can call it a "dish". The word "surpassed" means that it went beyond a certain point. Using the sentence above, you are saying that the food you ate are better/ yummier than you expected.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • I was pleasantly surprised by the taste of that dish.

  • Wow! This was better than I expected!

1. I was pleasantly surprised by the taste of that dish. If you were 'pleasantly surprised' then it means that the dish exceeded your expectations. In other words you were not expecting such a great dish, experience, etc. Another example: I was pleasantly surprised by that movie. 2. Wow! This was better than I expected!' 'Wow' is normallyexpressed when you think that something is good or great.. Example: Wow! You look fantastic! "Better than expected" means that you had not been expecting it to be so good.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't think it would have tasted this good

  • This was better than I thought.

  • This tasted better than I thought (it would).

The first example sentences is using the conditional, "would have tasted," to describe the thoughts you had about the food before you tried it. Notice in the second two examples we can interchangeably use the verbs, "was," and, "tasted," while also having the option to include saying, "it would," which refers to this same conditional sense.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • It was more delicious than what I thought it was going to be.

It is a nice surprise when something tastes better than expected. This can be due to past experiences tasting that particular food, eating with your eyes, (if the food looks good it should taste good and vice versa).
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't think it would be this good!

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I didn't think it would be this good!」 =こんなに美味しいと思わなかった! (例文)I didn't think it would be this good! I want more! (訳)こんなに美味しいと思わなかった!もっと欲しい! (例文)I didn't think it would be this good! I wanna try making this at home. (訳)こんなに美味しいと思わなかった!家でもこれ作ってみたい。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
  • I didn't think it would be this good!

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I didn't think it would be this good!」 (意味)こんなに美味しいと思わなかった! <例文>Wow! I didn't think it would be this good! I want more! <訳>わお!こんなに美味しいと思わなかった!もっと食べたい! ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I never thought it would be this good.

  • I never thought it would be this delicious.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 I never thought it would be this good. 「こんなにも良いとは決して思わなかった」 または I never thought it would be this delicious. 「こんなにも美味しいとは決して思わなかった」 のように表現できると思います(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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