「あ、本棚の後ろに本を落とした。めんどくさい。」は英語で「Ah!I dropped the book behind the bookcase!That’s so annoying!」という表現が良いと思います。
落とすーTo drop・To let fall・To lose
Oh shoot, a book fell behind the bookshelf. That's going to be a pain to pick up.
I dropped a book behind the bookcase. That will be hard to get.
ーOh shoot, a book fell behind the bookshelf. That's going to be a pain to pick up.
to fall で「落ちる」
behind the bookshelf で「本棚の後ろに」
pain で「おっくうなこと・面倒なこと」
to pick up で「拾う」
ーI dropped a book behind the bookcase. That will be hard to get.
to drop で「落とす」
bookcase で「本棚」
hard to get で「取るのが大変」
・「Ugh! I dropped the book behind the shelves.」
(意味) あ!本棚の後ろに本を落とした。
<例文>Ugh! I dropped the book behind the shelves. Now I have to move the shelf to pick it up.