In English, the unit of counting changes every three digits.
However, in Japanese, the unit of counting changes every four digits.
「桁」の話をするときの「単位」は「unit of counting」がいいと思います。
「3桁毎」は「every three digits」で、「4桁毎」は「every four digits」です。
In English, the unit of counting changes every three digits.
However, in Japanese, the unit of counting changes every four digits.
1,000 thousand
10,000 ten thousand
100,000 hundred thousand
1,000,000 million
10,000,000 ten million
100,000,000 hundred million
1,000,000,000 billion
"In English, the units increase every three digits, while in Japanese, they increase every four digits."
- **Units**(単位): 数の大きさを示す言葉です。
- **Increase**(増える): 数字が大きくなることを意味します。
- **Digits**(桁): 数の桁数を示します。
- "In English, the units increase every three digits, such as thousand, million, billion, and trillion."
- "In contrast, Japanese units increase every four digits, like ten thousand and hundred million."