I do simultaneous interpretation practice during news programs, but it seems there is still a long way to go.
同時通訳 simultaneous interpretation
ニュース番組中 during news programs
まだ道のりは遠い There is still a long way to go
~のようだ it seems~
"I'm practicing simultaneous interpretation during news programs, but it seems there's still a long way to go."
"I'm practicing simultaneous interpretation during news programs, but it seems there's still a long way to go." と表現できます。"simultaneous interpretation" は「同時通訳」という専門的な技術を指し、"there's still a long way to go" は「まだ遠い道のりがある」という意味で、スキル習得への道のりが長いことを示します。
- interpreting: 通訳する
- broadcast: 放送
- fluency: 流暢さ
- hone my skills: 技術を磨く
- language proficiency: 言語の熟練度