ーto go to work and back home twice
ーto make two return trips from one's home to work
I ended up having to make two return trips from home to work because I forgot to bring my security clearance card to work with me the first time.
to end up 〜ing で「〜するはめになる」
to forget to bring ... で「…を持って行くのを忘れる」
I ended up going back and forth between home and work twice because I forgot my residence card.
「家と職場を二往復した」という状況を伝えるには "I ended up going back and forth between home and work twice" が適切な英語表現です。ここで "ended up" は結果としてそうなったというニュアンスで、"going back and forth" はある場所から別の場所へ行ったり来たりする動きを表します。
- "because I forgot my residence card."
- "I ended up going back and forth between home and work twice because I forgot my residence card."
- commute: (定期的な)通勤
- double back: 戻る、引き返す
- trek: 長い距離を徒歩で移動する