世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/07/31 17:11
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  • I just live in my office and home back and forth.

  • My life is only in my office and home.

「I just live in my office and home back and forth.」(会社と家を行ったり来たりしての生きてるだけ) 「back and forth」は「行ったり来たり/行き来する/まったく前に進まない」という意味です。 「My life is only in my office and home.」(私の人生は、会社と家にしか存在してない) ちょっとひねった言い方です。
  • Y'know, I just go to work and straight back home everyday this week.

  • Y'know, I just go to work and (go) back and forth everyday this week.

  • I was too hectic at work this week. I just go to work and go home. That's all.

1番目と2番目の初めについている Y'know, という意味は「ってかさー」や「チョット聞いてー」など口語の出だしによく出てくるフレーズです。 あってもなくても会話の内容には影響しませんが、相手に聞いて欲しい時や軽い同意を求めるときに「使える」フレーズです。 1番目は「ってかさー、今週は仕事いって、家にまっすぐ帰る日々だったわ」というニュアンスです。 2番目は「ってかさー、今週は仕事いって帰ってくるだけの日々だったわ」というニュアンスです。 他のアンカーの方も回答されている通り、go back and forth で「往復」や「行ったり来たり」という意味合いがあります。 3番目は「今週は仕事でワタワタしててさ、会社いって家に帰る。 ほんとそれだけ!」というニュアンスです。 お役に立てれば幸いです☆
  • The only free time I had this week was spent travelling to and fro between home and work

When talking about work, and this week, you were so busy that you just went to work and then straight home every day, and had no time to enjoy your private life, you can explain this by applying the above suggestion. To and fro = back and forth
今週は仕事が忙しく、毎日会社と家を行ったり来たりで自分の時間が持てなかったということなら、それは上記のように説明できます。 To and fro = back and forth(行ったり来たり)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was too busy to enjoy my private life.

  • I was so busy that I didn't have time to do anything fun.

  • I was just living in my office and home because I was too busy.

I was too busy to enjoy my private life. 忙しすぎて、プライベートを楽しむことができなかった。 too 形容詞 to 動詞:〜すぎて〜できない I was so busy that I didn't have time to do anything fun. 忙しすぎて、何か楽しいことをする暇がなかった。 I was just living in my office and home because I was too busy. 忙しすぎて、会社と家での生活しかなかったわ。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • I haven't had any time to myself.

  • I've either been at home or in the office.

"I haven't had any time to myself" - The phrase 'time to myself' is a way to refer to time you spend doing what you like to do for relaxation or fun. "I haven't had any time to myself" means you have spent your time on other people or responsibilities such as work or family obligations. "I've either been at home or in the office" - If you want to express that you haven't been able to spend time doing anything other than working or being at home, this is the simplest way to say so. This expression can mean you have had "time to yourself" but only at home.
"I haven't had any time to myself"(自分の時間が全然なかった) - 自分の好きなこと、趣味をする時間をいいます。"I haven't had any time to myself" は、他人のこと・仕事・家族サービスなどの義務に時間を使ったという意味です。 "I've either been at home or in the office"(家か職場にしかいなかった) - 仕事をしているか家にいるかのどちらかだったと言いたいなら、この言い方が最もシンプルです。この表現は「自分の時間はあったけど家にいた」という意味になることもあります。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • I just worked and went home the entire week.

This is something that is becoming increasingly popular in the modern work culture. This is just one way to describe the fact that you only worked and slept for a week. I hope that this helps. :)
現代の仕事文化ではこのようなことは増えていますね。 これは、一週間ただ寝て仕事をするだけだったことを伝える言い方の一つです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I've been so busy that all I do is go to work, go home and sleep, and then go to work again.

  • I wake up for work and at the end of the day go straight home, just to repeat it all over again.

  • I've had no time for myself this week -- it's just been work, home, work, home, repeat.

These sentences with the emphasis on the doing things 'again' or 'repeating' show how frustrated and tired you are.
これらの文では、'again' や 'repeat' を使って繰り返ししたことを強調し、いら立ちや疲れを表しています。
Elinor DMM英会話講師
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