If I were to buy these items, how much is the shipping fee?
How much is shipping?
・If I were to buy these items, how much is the shipping fee?
(例文)If I were to buy these items, how much is the shipping fee?// That'll be 450 yen.
・How much is shipping?
(例文)How much is shipping?// It's 500 yen.
For this product if I only order this quantity, how much will the shipping cost be?
If I only order this, how much will I have to pay for the shipping cost?
「For this product」は「この商品」という意味です。先方がはっきりわかるように写真とか同時に見せた方良いと思います。そして、「if I only order this quantity」は「もしこの数量だけ頼んだら」を表します。そして、送料に関して、聞きたい場合、「how much will the shipping cost be?」になります。
同じ内容ですが、別の言い方を使いたいなら「If I only order this, how much will I have to pay for the shipping cost?」と言えます。最初の部分「これだけ頼む場合」を表します。質問として、「送料には支払額いくらなりますか?」という意味です