電話で問い合わせすれば、「contact by phone」と言います。同じように過去形なら「contacted by phone」になります。
There was a problem with my order so I contacted by phone.
When I was trying to install my Wi-Fi there was a lot I didn't know so I inquired the internet provider by phone.「Wi-Fiを設定した時、色々分からなくて、電話でインターネット接続業者に問い合わせした」
電話して問合せしました - I talked to him/her/them about it over the phone や I enquired about it over the phone
Over the phone = 電話で
分からないことがあって、電話して聞きました- I wasn't sure about something, so I rang them about it / There was something I didn't quite understand, so I phoned them and asked them about it
ring = 電話する
phone = 電話する