I'm always able to help out others around me but when it comes to doing my own work I don't do it well. It's frustrating because it made it clear that I lack ability.
「私に能力がないって明らかになる」は英語で「It became clear that I lack ability.」と言います。「明らかになる」に英訳すれば、「it became clear」や「it made it clear」と言えます。両方とも同じ意味なのでどっちでも使えます。
ちなみに、「いつも周りに助けられて仕事は上手く行ってるけど、私が自分で動くと上手くいかない。私に力がないって明らかになる感じで辛い。」に翻訳すれば、「I'm always able to help out others around me but when it comes to doing my own work I don't do it well. It's frustrating because it made it clear that I lack ability.」になります。