世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/07/31 23:05
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  • We don't have a school uniform.

  • Our school had no school uniform.

制服は、school uniform, 制服がない、は、have/has no school uniform と表現します。
  • ① The school I went to didn't have uniforms.

「私の行った学校は制服がありませんでした」を英語でいうときには、「① The school I went to didn't have uniforms.」と言います。 制服はもちろん、Uniformと言います。語源として、Uni = 均一、Form=形。 Unisexも同じ風に考えればわかりやすいと思います。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • We wear casual clothes to school.

  • We do not have a set uniform at our school.

>We wear casual clothes to school. *casual clothes=without formality of style or manner, in particular (of clothing) suitable for everyday wear rather than formal occasions. >We do not have a set uniform at our school. *set= establish as (an example) for others to follow *uniform= the distinctive clothing
We wear casual clothes to school. 「casual clothes」とは、フォーマルではなく、普段着ているような服装のことです。 We do not have a set uniform at our school. 「set」とは、 規則や決められたという意味です。 「uniform」とは、決められた服装を意味します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I wasn't required to wear a uniform at my school.

  • I didn't have to wear a uniform in my school.

  • My school didn't require its students to wear uniforms.

"I wasn't required to wear a uniform at my school." "require to" is used to show obligation, where there is not a choice given to do something. It must be done.
"I wasn't required to wear a uniform at my school." 〔訳〕私の学校では制服を着なくてよかった 「require to」は義務を表します。選択肢がない、それをしなければならない、ということです。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • We were not required to wear uniform at my school

  • We just wore casual clothes at my school

  • Every day was a mufti day at my school!

Mufti day = A mufti day (also known as casual clothes day, casual Friday, colour day, own clothes day, home clothes day, plain clothes day, non-uniform day, mufting day, free dress day, civvies day, dress down day, uniform-free day) is a day where students and staff go to school in casual clothing instead of school uniform. Casual clothes are clothes which you are comfortable in.
Casual clothes day(カジュアルな服の日)、 casual Friday(カジュアルな金曜日)、 colour day(カラフルな服の日)、 own clothes day,(自分の服の日)、 home clothes day(自宅の服の日)、 plain clothes day(私服の日)、 non-uniform day(制服でない日)、 mufting day(平服の日)、 free dress day(自由な服装の日)、 civvies day(私服の日)、 dress down day(カジュアルな服の日)、 uniform-free day(制服なしの日) としても知られる'mufti day'は生徒と職員が制服ではなくカジュアルな服装で通学する日です。 'Casual clothes'(カジュアルな服装)とは着心地が良い服のことです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My high school didn't require us to wear uniforms

Most schools require their students to wear uniforms, require meaning in this context that it is obligatory, which means there is no choice about it. So to say that your school 'did not' require you to wear uniforms, explains that you were not obliged to wear them.
大半の学校では、制服の着用が義務づけ(require)られています。「require」はここでは「obligatory(選択肢がない)」という意味です。 ですから: My high school didn't require us to wear uniforms ↑制服を着る義務がなかった、という意味になります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Our high school had no school uniforms.

  • I didn't have to wear school uniforms in my high school days.

Our high school had no school uniforms. 私たちの高校には制服はありませんでした。 このように表現するのが最もシンプルで自然かと思いますよ! I didn't have to wear school uniforms in my high school days. 私は高校時代は制服を着る必要はありませんでした。 制服を進んで着るというよりは、着なければいけないものという 話し手のニュアンスが入る表現です。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • My high school didn't have uniforms.

  • My high school didn't require uniforms.

  • Our school had no school uniform.

We can talk about this either using the verb, "to have," or, "to require," to show that it's something our school had or didn't have. We can also use the phrase, "had no school uniform," to come out with the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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