I found that this book has lack
of pages.
数ページ抜けている - A few pages / A couple of pages are missing.
missing - 抜けている、欠落している
私はこの本は数ページ抜けていると分かった - I found out that a few pages were missing from this book もしくは I realised that a couple of pages were missing from this book
found out - 分かった・知った・分かるようになった・知るようになった(他人から聞いたなど)
realised - ~に気づいた
I found that this book has lack of pages.は不自然です。
found - 見つけた
・It's missing a few pages.
(例文)It's missing a few pages. I have to buy a new book.
・This book is missing a few pages.
(例文)This book is missing a few pages. I think it's a really old book.
(例文)This puzzle is missing a few pieces.