Fill your pot with water and put the corn into the pot. Turn the stove on, and bring it to boil, and then boil for 2 minutes. Turn off the stove, and leave the corn in the pot for a while.
How to boil corn on the cob.
Fill your pot with water and put the corn into the pot. Turn the stove on, and bring it to boil, and then boil for 2 minutes. Turn off the stove, and leave the corn in the pot for a while.
Voila, the plump and sweet corn is ready to eat.
fill xxx with water xxxに水を入れる
pot 鍋
turn the stove on コンロの火を付ける
bring xxx to boil xxxを沸騰させる
turn the stove off コンロの火を消す
Voila, じゃじゃーん、出来上がり!