I wake up every two or three hours to breast-feed my baby.
I nurse my baby every two or three hours during the night.
ーI wake up every two or three hours to breast-feed my baby.
to wake up every two or three hours で「2〜3時間おきに起きる」
to breast-feed で「授乳する」
ーI nurse my baby every two or three hours during the night.
to nurse で「授乳する」
every two or three hours で「2〜3時間毎に・2〜3時間ごとに」
I get up every two or three hours at midnight to nurse my baby.
I rise up every two or three hours at midnight to nurse my baby.
起きる get up, rise up, rise
2,3時間ごと every two or three hours
授乳する nurse
夜中に at midnight
I get up every two or three hours at midnight to nurse my baby.
I rise up every two or three hours at midnight to nurse my baby.