世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/09 17:11
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  • Where should I place finished trays?

  • Where do I take finished trays?

"Where should I place finished trays?"は「どこに終わったトレーを置くべき?」という質問になります。 "Where do I take finished trays?"は「どこに終わったトレーを持っていくべき?」という、ほとんど同じですが違った表現になります。 ファストフードではあまり見られませんが海外のフードコートでは食べ終わった食器トレーを下げるのではなく、清掃の方が片づけてくれるのでそのままにしておく場合もあります。その時の雰囲気で持っていくべきか、置いておくべきか、ぜひ確認してみてください。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Where do I leave the tray?

  • When I'm finished where do I leave my tray?

If they just gave you your food, you can use these two examples. If you already finished eating and you want to ask, you can say, "excuse me, where should I put my tray?"
もし食事が指しあ出された後であれば、あなたはこの二つの例文を使うことができます。すでに食べ終わって聞くのであれば、 "excuse me, where should I put my tray?"このフレーズを使うことができます。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • Could you tell me where to return the tray?

どこにトレーを戻したらいいですか? 場所を示す where に to return the tray (トレーを返すところ)を 付けて質問します。 Could you tell me は Can you tell me より一段階ていねいな聞き方です。 Could you tell me の後には以下のような疑問詞を付けることで様々な質問ができるので便利ですね。 Could you tell me;   how to get to the station? どうやって駅まで行くか   where to buy the tickets? どこで切符を買うか when I should visit Japan to enjoy skiing?
Yuuko Kono 仕事の英語パーソナルトレーナー
  • Where do the trays go?

  • Where do i stack the trays, please?

  • What do I do with this?

Any of these expressions is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What do I do with the tray when I am done eating?

  • Where does the empty trays go?

  • Is there a place to leave the tray when I am done eating?

>What do I do with the tray when I am done eating? >Where does the empty trays go? >Is there a place to leave the tray when I am done eating? When buying food at the food court you can anyone that serves you any of the above questions about the food tray. Example 1 Him:Here is your food sir. You:Thanks, What do I do with the tray when I am done eating? Example 2 Him:Here is your food sir. You:Where does the empty trays go?
フードコートで食べ物を買えば、食器トレーについて上記の質問をすることができます。 (例文1) Him:Here is your food sir. はい。どうぞ。 You:Thanks, What do I do with the tray when I am done eating? ありがとうございます。食べ終わったら食器トレーはどうすればいいですか? (例文2) Him:Here is your food sir. はい。どうぞ。 You:Where does the empty trays go? 空きのトレーはどこにおけばいいですか?
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • drop the tray off...

  • Can you tell me where to drop the tray off when I am finished with it?

We are said to "drop off" things...(in English) when we deliver or return something. "I will drop the kids off when I am passing your house" in this case the object is a food tray. it is the polite thing to do" IE to return it after use... "Can you tell me where to drop the tray off when I am finished with it?"
(英語で)何かを運んだり、戻す時に"drop off" things(物を置いていく)と言います。 例文 "I will drop the kids off when I am passing your house" あなたの家を通る時に子供を降ろしていくよ この場合は、置いていくものは食べ物のトレーです。トレーを使った後に戻すのは礼儀正しい行為です。 礼儀正しい "Can you tell me where to drop the tray off when I am finished with it?" 食べ終わったらトレーをどこに置いておけば良いのかを教えて頂けますか?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • where do i put the tray when i am finished?

  • where do i put this

if you would like to be formal then you can say "excuse me, where do i put the tray when i am finished?" or if you want to be more casual then you can say "where do i put this?"
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • Where should I put the finished trays?

  • Where can I return my tray?

These terms are used often when in a food court (many different food stands in a hall, usually in a mall), once finished eating your food and are unsure of where you should put your dirty plates and cutlery, this is the question you should ask someone so they can show you the direction of where to put your dirty plates, cutlery etc. 'Tray' is usually the expression as you will often carry your food on a plate.
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • where do the trays go?

  • where shall i put this ?

  • where do i put my tray when i am finished?

example " Where do we put our trays when we are finished?" or "Where shall I put this?" or "Where do the trays go?"   usually in places like fast food outlets the trays go next to the bins, they usually stack next to the food bins. "Do I clear away my own tray?". if you are unsure what to do with it when finished.
" Where do we put our trays when we are finished?" 食べ終わったら、どこにトレーを置いたらいいですか?   "Where shall I put this?" これはどこに置きましょうか?   "Where do the trays go?" トレーはどこに置きますか? たいていファストフードのようなお店では、トレー置き場はごみ箱の横にあります。食べ物用のごみ箱の横に積み上げられています。  もし、食べ終わった後にどうしていいかわからない場合は、 "Do I clear away my own tray?" トレーは片づけるのですか? と聞くといいでしょう。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Where do I put my tray when I'm done?

  • Is there a place to put the used trays?

In food courts where there are multiple restaurants, there is no one place to put used trays. Each business may prefer to have their trays returned to them. You can ask either way and receive the answer you are looking for.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
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