Are you able to go to sleep right after playing a game where you shoot each other?
How can you sleep right after playing one of those games with all those guns?
ーAre you able to go to sleep right after playing a game where you shoot each other?
to go to sleep で「寝付く」
to shoot each other で「お互いを撃つ」
ーHow can you sleep right after playing one of those games with all those guns?
How can you sleep ...? で「どうやったら寝れるの?・よく寝れるね?」
Can you go to sleep right after playing shooting games?
ここでは、「寝れるの」というのを「寝ることができるの」に言い換えて Can you go to sleep? と表現してみました。
Can you go to sleep right after playing shooting games?