How long can you wait without getting a reply before getting worried?
- How long can you wait without getting a reply before getting worried?
- How long does it take for you to get worried about not getting a reply?
- I think the time that someone gets worried about not receiving a reply varies from person to person so, I want to ask about around how long it is. I want to know especially in the case of when someone doesn't get a reply from their lover.
- If they were your lover, how long could you wait without getting a reply before getting worried?
- If they aren't family, I'm fine if there is no reply at all. If they are family, I get worried if there isn't a reply within 24 hours.
How long should I wait before I start worrying if I don't get a reply?
How long should someone wait before starting to worry if a reply doesn't come?
「どのくらいの時間返信が来なかったら不安になりますか?」は英語で「How long should I wait to start worrying if I don't get a reply?」と言えます。
まず、「How long should I wait」は「どのぐらい待ってた方が良いですか?」という意味です。
そして、「before I start worrying」は「不安になる時点」を表します。
最後に「if I don't get a reply」は「もし返事が来なかったら」という意味です。
How long should someone wait before starting to worry if a reply doesn't come?