世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/12 17:32
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  • I'm sorry to give you a reply late at night.

"I'm sorry to 〜" は「〜して[申し訳なく思う](」という表現です。謝る際に大変よく使われる言い方です。 "give 人 a reply" は「人に返答する、[返信](を出す」ということを表します。"give a reply to 人" または動詞として "reply"(返答する) と言うこともできます。 "late at night" は「[夜遅く](に」という表現です。 "sorry" の代わりに "apologize" を使用することもできます。「謝る」という意味で、ビジネスなどで使われる丁寧な英語表現です。 "I apologize for replying to you so late at night" = 「夜遅くに返信してしまい申し訳ございません」
  • I am sorry to contact you so late

  • I apologise for how late I am sending this

  • Sorry for not getting in touch earlier

To be polite you could also add "I hope I haven't disturbed you".
丁寧に言いたいなら「I hope I haven't disturbed you([お休み](じゃなかったですか)」を加えてもいいですね。
Jessica B DMM英会話講師
  • 1. My sincere/deepest apologies for my late response

  • 2. I'm sorry for only getting back to you now

  • 3. Sorry for the delayed response

1. Sincere/deepest apologies- more formal and can be used if the delay really does need an strong response or explanation 2. Only getting back to you now- a little more informal but still acceptable. 3. Delayed response- a response that has taken time or a slow response All three sentences are acceptable responses. I hope this helps :)
"1. “Sincere/deepest apologies”はより形式ばっていて遅れに関して本当にしっかりとした応答や説明が必要な際に使うことができます。 2. “Only getting back to you now“はもう少しくだけていますがそれでも許容されます。 3. “Delayed response”は時間がかかったまたは遅い応答です。 これら3文は全て許容可能な応答です。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。"
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • I apologize for the late reply.

  • I am sorry for the delay in my response.

A formal way to say sorry is to say: 'I apologize' 'My apologies' 'I am sorry' Often if the reply is late either by days or at late hours you can say: 'Late reply' 'Delay' I hope that helps!
英語の謝り方は I apologize My apologies I am sorry などがあります。 何日とか何時間も返信が遅れてしまったことを、 Late reply Delay ということができますよ。 参考になれば嬉しいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Sorry for my tardy response

  • 2. I just returned home, so sorry for the delay in responding

1. It is not necessary to explain why you did not respond immediately to an email. It is an unreasonable expectation to believe that everyone will immediately respond. Also, why should you apologise for simply going about your normal daily activities? However, if you wish to apologise, this expression is adequate. 2. Again you are apologizing for simply arriving home late after a busy day.
1. すぐにメールで返信しない理由を答える必要はないですよね。みんながすぐにメールで返してくれると期待するのは道理的ではないですよね。また、自分の普段の生活をしていてすぐ返せないだけなのになぜ謝らなければならないのか?それでも謝りたいのなら、この表現で充分でしょう。 2.忙しい日にようやく家についたことをここでは謝っています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry for the late reply/response, I had a really busy day.

  • I apologize for responding at this time of the day.

"I am sorry for the late reply/response, I had a really busy day." This means you are sorry for replying late. "I apologize for responding at this time of the day." This means that you are sorry for responding late at night.
"I am sorry for the late reply/response, I had a really busy day." これはあなたが本当に返信が遅れたことを申し訳ないと思っていることを意味しています。 "I apologize for responding at this time of the day." これは夜に、返信遅れて申し訳ないと伝える表現です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry for responding so late at night.

  • I sincerely apologize for replying to your e-mail this late.

In the first sentence, you have started by apologizing first of all by saying 'I am sorry'. By saying this, you are expressing an apology for responding to the business e-mail so late at night. In the second sentence, you have again started by apologizing, but, you have added the adverb 'sincerely' which in this context means 'without pretense'. So, you may say: I sincerely apologize for replying to your e-mail this late.
最初の表現では謝罪をする 'I am sorry'から始めます。 これを言う事により、夜遅くにE-mailする事への謝罪の意を表します。 2つ目の表現も謝罪で始まっていますが 'sincerely'という副詞を付けています。 これは、真摯に、心からと言う意味になり、次のように言うことが出来ます。 I sincerely apologize for replying to your e-mail this late. (夜遅くにメールし、心から申し訳ありません)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Apologies for the late response.

  • Sorry for not getting in touch earlier.

To apologize for responding to a business email late at night, you can say: "Apologies for the late response." "Sorry for not getting in touch earlier."
ビジネスメールで返信が深夜になったことを謝るなら、次のように言えます。 "Apologies for the late response." "Sorry for not getting in touch earlier." (夜遅い返信になってしまいすいません)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Apologies for not replying sooner however (I)....

  • I'm sorry for messaging you so late as I....

With these two explanations I have shown you the best way to start a work email. You MUST apologise first and then proceed to explain the reason why you were not able to respond to a persons email. An example of this would be: Apologise for not replying sooner however I was washing my cat
これらはビジネスメールの冒頭で使えるフレーズです。 まず始めに、謝ること。これが重要です。それから返信が遅れた理由を説明します。 例えば: Apologise for not replying sooner however I was washing my cat (返信が遅れてしまい申し訳ありません。ネコをお風呂に入れていました)
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Apologies for sending my email so late at night.

  • I apologize for emailing at such a time.

  • Please excuse my poor etiquette for sending this email so late at night.

Use the sentences above and use the sentences below to complete the sentence. "I was not able to send it earlier as I was so busy." "I didn't get the opportunity to send it earlier." "This was the only time I could respond."
上の文と下の文を組み合わせて使ってみてください。 "I was not able to send it earlier as I was so busy."(忙しくてこんな時間になってしまいました) "I didn't get the opportunity to send it earlier."(忙しくてこんな時間になってしまいました) "This was the only time I could respond."(この時間にしか返信できませんでした)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry for the late reply.

  • Excuse the late reply.

Both will work nicely and the reader will understand.
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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