世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/13 19:53
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  • I need to cancel today's lesson because I don't think I can get back home by 10pm.

  • I will have to cancel today's lesson because I won't be able to go back home by 10pm.

  • I am sorry but I have to cancel today's lesson because I don't think I can get back home by 10 pm.

[22:00までに帰れそうにないので今日のレッスンはキャンセルさせてください]は以下のように英訳できます。 1)I need to cancel today's lesson because I don't think I can get back home by 10pm. =10時までに家へ帰れないので、今日のレッスンをキャンセルさせてください キャンセルさせてください=キャンセルする必要がある、ですからNeedを使う事ができます。 2)I will have to cancel today's lesson because I won't be able to go back home by 10pm. =10時までに家へ帰れないので、今日のレッスンをキャンセルさせてください キャンセルさせてください=キャンセルをしなければならない(未来)なので、have to (~しなければいけない)に未来形のwill を付けて、I will have to do ~ = ~しないといけなるなる be able to 動詞の原形 =動詞ができる、でしたよね? I won't be able to go back home by 10pm、はWon't (=Will not)で否定文になっているので10時までに家に帰る事ができない、となります。 3)I am sorry but I have to cancel today's lesson because I don't think I can get back home by 10 pm. I am sorryを文等に持ってきてもオッケーです! 余談ですが、アメリカでは24時間制ではなく、AM/PMで時間を表します。 24時間制は、軍隊の方々がよく使うので、Military Time (24 Hour Time)と言われています。一般的にはAM/PMで時間表記すると、誤解なくコミュニケーションできると思います。 I hope it helps :)
  • I apologize. I won't make it home in time for our lesson. Can we cancel please?

  • I'm sorry. I need to cancel our lesson.

  • I'm afraid I won't make it home in time for our lesson. I need to cancel, sorry.

In time = on time, punctual Make it home = get home, arrive home It is good to apologize for canceling the lesson. The first example explains why you need to cancel the lesson, if you feel the need to do so. The second example does not tell the reason for canceling the lesson. It is a way to simply apologize and inform the teacher that you need to cancel. Afraid = worried The third example also explains the reason for canceling and apologizes. You may want to start off your message by saying a greeting to the teacher first. "Good evening teacher. I apologize. I won't make it home in time for our lesson. Can we cancel please?" "Hello teacher. I'm afraid I won't make it home in time for our lesson. I need to cancel, sorry. "
In time = on time, punctual (時間通り) Make it home = get home, arrive home (家に着く) 授業をキャンセルする際、一言謝ればいいでしょう。 はじめの例文は、授業をキャンセルする理由を記しています。 もし必要だと感じるならば、そのように伝えれば良いでしょう。 二つ目の例文ではキャンセルする理由を記していません。 こちらはよりシンプルに、キャンセルしなければならないことを伝える表現です。 Afraid = worried (心配している) 三つ目の例でも、理由を述べた上で謝罪しています。 以下のように先生に挨拶を書いた上で、必要なメッセージを伝えると良いでしょう。 "Good evening teacher. I apologize. I won't make it home in time for our lesson. Can we cancel please?" →こんばんは、先生。すみません。授業が始まる時間までに家に帰れそうにありません。キャンセルしてもらってもよいでしょうか? "Hello teacher. I'm afraid I won't make it home in time for our lesson. I need to cancel, sorry. " →こんにちは、先生。申し訳ありませんが、授業が始まる時間までに家にに着きそうにありません。キャンセルしなければなりません。申し訳ありません。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry but I won't be able to make my lesson today so I wish to cancel it

  • I am running late so I won't be back in time for my lesson today and will need to cancel

can't make it, means you will not be able to be there running late, means you are later than you thought you would be
can't make it, とは、その時間までにそこに行けない、という意味です。 running late,とは、自分が思っていたよりも遅れるときに使います。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Sorry teacher, I'm cancelling this lesson due to unexpected circumstances

  • 2. Sorry teacher, I had to cancel today's lesson.

1. Here, you firstly apologise and then give the reason for the cancellation of the lesson. Unexpected circumstances = this is an expression you can use for any situation - bad weather, traffic jams, working late etc. It means something has happened to your schedule which you did not anticipate. 2. Here you apologise and state you had to cancel the lesson. Really, it is not necessary to give a detailed explanation. You may tell the teacher during the following lesson any details you wish.
1. まず最初に謝って、そのうえでレッスンをキャンセルする理由を伝えるのが良いでしょう。 Unexpected circumstances = 予期できない状況、悪天候、渋滞、残業など自分のスケジュールに予期せぬことが起こったことを意味します。 2. ここでは謝って、キャンセルをしなければいけない、と言う言い方です。 ここでも詳細な説明は特に必要ありません。もし言いたければレッスン中にまた喋る機会はあるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was wondering if I could cancel today's lesson because I do not think I can get home by 10pm

  • Can I cancel today's lesson? I don't think I can get home by 10pm.

お願いするときには"Can I... ?"を使ってしまいがちですが、これだとカジュアル過ぎるかもしれません。 "I was wondering..."を使った方が丁寧度はグッと上がるので、相手が先生でしたらこれくらいの丁寧さで話した方がいいですね!本当に謝罪の意を伝えたいなら、最後に"I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience"「誠に申し訳ございません」と言えば、とても丁寧です。 「キャンセルしていいですか?」程度のカジュアルな関係でしたら”I am so sorry, but can I cancel today's lesson?"でもいいかもしれません。フレンドリーな先生だったらこちらで大丈夫でしょう!
Kenta TOEIC満点英語コーチ / 外資系営業マン
  • Hi teacher is possible for me to cancel my 10 pm lesson as i am running late?

  • Teacher trust you doing well please excuse me for our 10 pm lesson as i wont make it.

Remember been punctual(on time) is important in all aspects of life example school, work and so forth. Bearing in mind also meetings or lessons in this case that you commit to you must always attend. But as we know life got its own plans and we never foresee what could happen in the future, so if you held up or have a crisis - always send a message or call way in advance as this will leave a great impression on your punctuality, commitment and professionalism.
Carey M DMM英会話講師
  • I won't be home by our 10pm lesson time, so is it okay to cancel today?

I won't be home by 10pm' = 22時まだ帰りられないと思う 'is it okay to cancel today?" = 今日のレッスンがキャンセルしてもいいですか? Don't forget to say "I'm sorry!"
I won't be home by 10pm' = 22時までに帰れないでしょう 'is it okay to cancel today?" = 今日のレッスンをキャンセルしてもいいですか? "I'm sorry!" を忘れずに!
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • I need to cancel the lesson because I won't be able to make it.

  • I wont be able to make this weeks lesson, I have to cancel, sorry about this.

  • I won't be home in time for our lesson, I have to cancel it this time, sorry about that.

You are on your way home, but you notice that you won't be home in time for your English lesson, well you can inform the teacher by sending them one of these three sentences. For example. Hi, I won't be home in time for our lesson, I have to cancel it this time, sorry about that. We can have our lesson the usual time next week. Dave I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry teacher, I have to cancel today's lesson because I won't be back home by 22.00 PM.

  • I would like to sincerely apologize for canceling the 22.00 PM lesson because I won't be back home by then.

You may start by apologizing to your teacher, using the phrase 'I am sorry teacher' and carry on to add the reason for the apology, 'I have to cancel today's lesson'. An then you carry on to add the reason why you have to cancel the lesson, 'because I won't be back home by 22.00'. Your teacher would perfectly understand this. Similarly, you would be in perfect order if you started by starting with the phrase 'I would like to sincerely apologize' before stating the reason for apologizing. So, you may say: I am sorry teacher, I have to cancel today's lesson because I won't be back home by 22.00. or I would like to sincerely apologize for canceling the 22.00 PM lesson because I won't be back home by then.
“I am sorry teacher.” (先生ごめんなさい。) という言葉を使って先生に謝罪し、 “I have to cancel today’s lesson.” (今日のレッスンをキャンセルしなければなりません。) という謝罪の理由を付け加えることができます。 そしてその後、 “because I won’t be back home by 22:00.” (22時まで家に戻らないからです。) となぜ授業をキャンセルしなければならないかという理由を付け加えることができます。 先生は完全に理解してくれるでしょう。 同様に、謝罪の理由をいう前に、 “I would like to sincerely apologize.” (心からお詫び申し上げます。) という表現から始めると、完璧な順番になるでしょう。 なので、 “I am sorry teacher; I have to cancel today’s lesson because I won’t be back home by 22:00. “ (先生ごめんなさい、22時までに家に戻らないので、今日のレッスンをキャンセルしなければなりません。) “I would like to sincerely apologize for canceling the 22:00 PM lesson because I won’t be back home by then.” (22時までに家に戻らないのでレッスンをキャンセルすることを心から謝りたいと思います。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I have to cancel today's lesson because I don't think I can get home by 10pm.

・「I have to cancel today's lesson because I don't think I can get home by 10pm.」 (意味)今日は10時までに帰れそうにないので今日のレッスンはキャンセルさせてください。 <例文>I have to cancel today's lesson because I don't think I can get home by 10pm. Sorry! <訳>今日は10時までに帰れそうにないので今日のレッスンはキャンセルさせてください。すみません! ご参考になれば幸いです。
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