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2016/08/14 01:35
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  • I'm very sorry, but we can't accept a payment that's split between cash and a credit card.

二つの払い方(例えば、現金とクレジットカード)で分けて洗うことは「split payment」と言います。
Tim Young 主催
  • I'm sorry, only one payment method is allowed

  • I'm sorry, we cannot accept multiple payment methods for a purchase.

"I'm sorry, only one payment method is allowed" A payment method is the way you will pay for your purchase. This can be either cash or with a card. Here you are telling the customer that they are only allowed to use one payment method- either cash or card. "I'm sorry, we cannot accept multiple payment methods for a purchase." 'multiple' means more than one. Here you are telling the customer they cannot use more than one payment method, they have to choose between either cash or card. I hope this helps :)
"I'm sorry, only one payment method is allowed" (申し訳ございません。お支払い方法は一つしか許可されておりません)これは現金またはカードがあり得ます。ここでは現金かカードどちらか一つでのお支払いしかできないことをお客様に伝えています。”I’m sorry, we cannot accept multiple payment methods for a purpose.”(申し訳ございませんが一度のご購入において複数の支払い方法はお受付しておりません) “multiple”は多数のと言う意味です。ここでは一つ以上の方法で支払いをすることは不可能であり、現金かカードのどちらかを選ばなければならないことをお客様に伝えてます。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, we can't accept combined card and cash payments.

  • Sorry, we can only accept one form of payment per transaction.

  • Sorry, multiple payment methods per transaction are not permitted.

In the UK, many outlets will accept multiple payments - such as supermarkets. However, other places such as fuel garages vary tremendously. Some will accept multiple payments and some will not.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Different forms of payment

"I am sorry, we do not mix two payment methods." "I am very sorry, we do not accept cash and credit cards for the same purchase. You have to either pay, all cash or only with your credit card."
"""I am sorry, we do not mix two payment methods."" お支払手続きを併用することはできません。 ""I am very sorry, we do not accept cash and credit cards for the same purchase. You have to either pay, all cash or only with your credit card.""" 一緒のお会計にはクレジットカードと現金を両方用いることはできません。クレジットカード、または現金のみとなります。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • No split payments:

  • Cash OR credit the sign says...So no split payments are possible!

Most cashiers will simply point to the sign..."CASH or CREDIT" ;-D i It is rare indeed to find anyone will to do split payments these days... "Cash OR credit the sign says...So no split payments are possible!"
大半のレジ係はシンプルに「CASH or CREDIT(現金またはクレジットカード)」の表記を指さすでしょう。 最近は、現金とカードの併用をする人はまれですね... "Cash OR credit the sign says...So no split payments are possible!" 〔訳〕現金またはクレジットカード、そこに書いてあります...併用はできません。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry we can only accept one form of payment for a single purchase.

  • I'm sorry I can't take two different forms of payment for a single purchase.

  • I'm sorry only one payment method is accepted for a single purchase.

We can talk about how we can only, "accept one form," or that we can't, "take two different forms," of payment for a single purchase/transaction. We can also use, "one payment method is accepted," to come out with the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry but the system only allows for one method of payment.

  • I am sorry but you can only pay either by card or cash.

I am sorry but the system only allows for one method of payment. - A method of payment is the way your pay for your purchase. For example cash,card or coupons.
I am sorry but the system only allows for one method of payment. - A method of paymentとは、代金の支払い方法です。例えばcash.cardcouponsなど。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • You can use either credit card or cash to pay for your items, but not both cash and credit card at the same time.

It sometimes happens that one does not have enough money in both in one's credit card, and, has cash, but not enough to pay for the items one has just collected. In such an instance, one is forced to try and use both the credit card and cash in order to meet the cost of the items. Your customer is trying to do this exactly. So, you may say to the customer: You can use either credit card or cash to pay for your items, but not both cash and credit card at the same time.
たまにクレジットカードと現金を合わせると十分なお金を持っているんだけど片方じゃ足りないって人いますよね。そんな時は代金を払うためにクレジットカードと現金を併用できるかどうか試してみなければなりません。あなたのお客さんはまさにそれをしようとしているのですね。 よって、以下のように言うことが出来ます。 "You can use either credit card or cash to pay for your items, but not both cash and credit card at the same time." (クレジットカードも現金も支払いに使えますが、クレジットカードと現金を同時に使うことはできません。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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