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クレジットカードを使えるお店が少ない場合 現金を多めに用意しておいた方がいいよという意味です。
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2016/04/29 13:46
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  • You should keep a fair amount of cash on you.

現金を多めに用意するように言ってあげる時は、以下が使いやすいです: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You should keep a fair amount of cash on you.(「十分な現金を持つようにしておいてください。」) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ※「a fair amount of」を直訳すると「十分な量の」、です。(これが難しいと感じた方は、「enough」に差し替えていただいて問題ありません。) よって、「a fair amount of cash」=「十分な(量の)現金」。 また、「You should」以外に「Make sure to」、「Be sure to」、「Please」、「You're going to want to」などの表現も使えます。 どれも「○○をするように」、みたいなニュアンスになり、文章を柔らかくする効果がありますが、 最悪、これがなくてもまったく問題ありません。 ↓ 「Keep a fair amount of cash on you.」(「十分な現金を持っていてください。」)
  • You should bring extra cash, the shops might not take credit cards.

  • We should exchange some more money, just in case the stores don't accept credit cards.

"It's best to bring extra cash, the stores might not accept credit cards"
"It's best to bring extra cash, the stores might not accept credit cards"
Boris S DMM英会話講師
  • I think/guess you (had) better exchange money extra in case you can't use your credit card.

このような言い方もあります。 "(had) better 〜" は「〜した方が良い」という意味の表現ですが、少し強めの言い方なので、前に "I think/guess" を付けて、語気を弱めると良いです。"had"は、会話ではしばしば省略されます。 「両替する」は "exchange/change money" と表現します。 「多めに、余分に」は "extra" や "more" で表します。"exchange/change extra/more money"(多めのお金を両替する) という言い方もできます。 "in case 〜" は「万が一〜の場合に備えて」という意味の表現です。。"just in case"(念のため) という言い方は、会話でもよく使われます。
  • You should take plenty of cash as shops don't like credit cards.

  • You need cash at all times as credit card acceptance is minimal.

  • Shops don't usually accept credit cards. Carry cash!

Any of these is appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Always make sure you exchange enough cash when you land in a different country

  • Cash can be risky to carry but its important to have enough in case you stranded in a place doesn't except credit cards

  • Can i please exchange my yen into your currency, so i can have enough cash on hand.

All of the above are appropriate to utilize.
Carey M DMM英会話講師
  • Keep cash on you because most stores son't use credit cards.

Cash = money -------------------------------- "Keep cash on you because most stores son't use credit cards." "I hope you have enough cash because these stores don't use cards".
Cash = お金 -------------------------------- "Keep cash on you because most stores son't use credit cards." "I hope you have enough cash because these stores don't use cards".
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A) Make sure you have cash on you.

  • B) Please make sure you have cash on you because not many stores accept credit cards.

A) Make sure you have cash on you. *Make sure-establish that something is definitely so; confirm. Example -"go and make sure she's all right" *Cash - Money in coins or notes, as distinct from cheques, money orders, or credit. "the staff were paid in cash" *On you- With you B) Please make sure you have cash on you because not many stores accept credit cards. *Stores - a shop of any size or kind. Example -"a health-food store" *Accept -consent to receive or undertake (something offered). Example -"he accepted a pen as a present I hope this helps :-)
A) Make sure you have cash on you. *Make sure-何か絶対的なものを築くこと。確かめる。 Example -"go and make sure she's all right" 彼女か大丈夫か行って確認して! *Cash - 効果や紙幣など、小切手や為替、クレジットカードとは区別されます。 "the staff were paid in cash" そのものは現金で支払われます。 *On you- あなたと一緒に B) Please make sure you have cash on you because not many stores accept credit cards. *Stores - 様々なサイズや種類のある店 Example -"a health-food store" 健康食品の店 *Accept -受け取る、もしくは提供されたものを引き受けることに同意する Example -"he accepted a pen as a present 彼はプレゼントとしてペンを受け取った。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Not many places take cards so you should take more money/cash.

  • Make sure you take enough money as not many places take cards.

"Not many places take cards so you should take more money/cash." "Not many places take cards" This explains that not a lot of shops accept credit cards. "so you should take more money/cash." This explains what they should do because not many places take cards. "Make sure you take enough money as not many places take cards." This explains to the person that they must take enough money for what they want as not all of the shops accept cards.
"Not many places take cards so you should take more money/cash." (多くの場所でカードが使えるわけではないので、できるだけお金や現金を持っておくべきです。) "Not many places take cards." (多くの場所でカードを受け取らない) これは、多くの店がクレジットカードを受け入れないことを説明している文章になります。 "you should take more money/cash." (できるだけお金や現金を持っておくべきです) これは、多くの場所でカードを使えないので、どうするべきかを説明しています。 "Make sure you take enough money as not many places take cards." (カードを受け取ってくれる場所があまりないので、十分なお金を持っておいてください。) これは、すべての店舗がカードを受け取るわけではないので、 十分なお金を用意しておかなければならないことを説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • You should bring some cash in case we can't find any stores that accept credit cards.

  • Stores that take credit cards are quite scarce,bring some extra cash just to be on the safe side.

You should bring some cash in case we can't find any stores that accept credit cards. This is the simplest way to state your recommendation and to explain why you think they should bring money instead of relying on their credit card. Stores that take credit cards are quite scarce,bring some extra cash just to be on the safe side. take credit cards = accept credit cards scarce = hard to find or almost impossible to find on the safe side = being especially careful in order to avoid something unpleasant
クレジットカードを受け入れてもらえない場合を考えて、現金を持って行くべきだと思うよ。 これが最もシンプルになぜ現金を持っていき、クレジットカードに頼るべきでないのか、という理由も伝えて、自分から提案する言い方になります。 Stores that take credit cards are quite scarce,bring some extra cash just to be on the safe side. クレジットカードを受け入れてくれるショップ自体があまりないので、念のために現金をいくらか持って行こう。 take credit cards = クレジットカードを受け入れる scarce = 探すのが難しい、ほとんどない on the safe side = 念のために
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Please exchange your foreign currency to local currency because some of the stores don't accept credit cards.

  • I kindly advise you to exchange some of your foreign currency to local cash since not all the stores accept credit cards.

  • Some of the stores do not accept credit cards, so, please exchange some of your foreign currency to cash.

In the first line, you are politely asking the other person to exchange his/her foreign currency to local currency because some of the stores do not accept credit cards. You have used the adverb 'please' which has brought politeness to the request, otherwise it would sound like a command. In the second statement, you are advising him/her in a kind manner, to exchange some of his/her foreign currency to local cash since some of the stores do not accept credit cards. The last advice is just the same as the first one except that it has been said in a different way. So, you may say: Please exchange your foreign currency to local currency because some of the stores don't accept credit cards. or I kindly advise you to exchange some of your foreign currency to local cash since not all the stores accept credit cards. or Some of the stores do not accept credit cards, so, please exchange some of your foreign currency to cash.
例:Please exchange your foreign currency to local currency because some of the stores don't accept credit cards. 「あなたのお金を現地の貨幣に交換しておいてください。時々クレジットカードが使えないお店があるんです。」 この例文は、敬意を持ちつつ相手にお金を両替する必要があることを伝えられます。 'please'をつけることで、丁寧な言い方になります。'please'なしでいうと、何か命令のような感じを受けます。 例:I kindly advise you to exchange some of your foreign currency to local cash since not all the stores accept credit cards. 「念のため伝えておくと、現地の貨幣に両替しておいた方がいいですよ。全てのお店でクレジットカードが使えるわけではないのです。」 例:Some of the stores do not accept credit cards, so, please exchange some of your foreign currency to cash. 「時々クレジットカードが使えないお店があるので、現地のお金にある程度両替してください。」 この文は例文の1、2の言い換えです。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • You should pull out some extra money.

  • You should exchange some extra money.

  • Most stores don't accept card, so it would be good to have cash.

The first two sentences can more or less be used in the same way, but it changes depending on what action you're doing. We would use, "to pull out," if you were going to an ATM, whereas you would use, "to exchange," if you were changing from one currency to the next (EX : Japanese yen to US dollar). The last example makes it more specific as to why you need to have cash on you in general by first explaining that the stores around the are might not accept credit card.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I would suggest you change extra money for the trip as not many places there accept credit/debit cards.

  • I would change extra money at the money changer if I were you as not many places there accept card payments.

If you would like to advise someone to change extra money when going somewhere because not many places accept card, you can say something like "I would suggest you change extra money for the trip as not many places there accept credit/debit cards." or "I would change extra money at the money changer if I were you as not many places there accept card payments.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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