世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




そのままですが、オンラインレッスンで先生に答えるときです。 夏休みは今日で終わって、明日から仕事です。
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2016/08/16 22:40
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  • Today's the last day of my vacation and I'm back at work tomorrow.

  • My vacation finishes/ends today and I start work again from tomorrow.

「今日まで[休み](」ということは、「今日が休日の最後」や、「今日で休みが終わる」と言い換えられますね。 「明日から[仕事](です」は、「明日仕事に戻ります」もしくは「明日から仕事がまた[始まる](」と言えます。 ・Today's the last day of my vacation and I'm back at work tomorrow. 英訳1:「今日が休日の最後」は、today's the last day of my vacation となります。 ・My vacation finishes/ends today and I start work again from tomorrow. 英訳2:「[終わる](」は、finish や end を使います。 vacation の代わりに、break や holiday を使うのも自然です。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I'm off until today, and I'll be back to work from tomorrow.

・I'm off until today, and I'll be back to work from tomorrow.  [今日](までオフで、[明日](からまた仕事です。 My summer vacation is until today などと言ってもいいと思いますが、off や off work を使って「(仕事が)[休み](の」という表現もできます。日本語でも「今日はオフ」などと言ったりしますね。
  • Unfortunately, today is my last day off

  • Regrettably, my holiday ends today

  • After this break, I will resume work tomorrow

You have had a wonderful restful week off, doing very little, reading novels, walking by the beach, drinking good wine and eating good food. But all good things come to an end, and tomorrow your normal working routine will be resumed. However you do feel very refreshed and ready to face the new challenges ahead! "How much longer is your holiday, James?" "Unfortunately, today is my last day off."
素敵な休暇を過ごしました。 あまり何もせず、小説を読んだり、ビーチを歩いたり、おいしいワインを飲んだり、 おいしい食事をしたりしていました。 けれども、すべての楽しいことが終わり、明日からいつも通りのルーティンの仕事がまた始まります。 だけど、とてもリフレッシュでき、新しい事に臨む準備ができていると感じています! 例 "How much longer is your holiday, James?" (あなたの休日はあとどれくらいですか?) "Unfortunately, today is my last day off." (残念ながら、今日が休暇の最後の日です。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Today is my last day off.

  • I'm off now but I start work again tomorrow.

We cannot say 'I am off until today' That sounds like you are at work today. You can say 'I am off until tomorrow' Or better and more natural, you can say 'today is my last day off' Last meaning final, no more after this. I'm off - This phrase is used to show you do not have to work today.
'I am off until today' という表現は使えません。この言い方だと”今日は働いている”ように聞こえます。 'I am off until tomorrow' (明日まで休みです。)という表現なら大丈夫です。もっと自然で良い表現として、'today is my last day off' (今日が最後の休暇日です。)と言えます。Last ということで最後で今後は続かないと示唆しています。 I'm off という表現は、今日は働かなくても良いという時に使えます。
Danno DMM英会話講師
  • This is my last day of vacation.Tomorrow I have to be at work.

  • My holiday ends today,tomorrow it's back to work I go.

"This is my last day of vacation.Tomorrow I have to be at work." This would be the simplest way to explain that you are expected to return to work the following day after a period of not working due to vacation or illness. "My holiday ends today,tomorrow it's back to work I go." This is also a good way to explain that you will be returning to work the following day."Back to work I go" could be expressed as a good thing or something you are not happy about depending on whether you say it with a rising intonation(happy) or with a low intonation(sarcasm).
"This is my last day of vacation.Tomorrow I have to be at work." これは、休暇や病気で働いていない期間があった後に、翌日から仕事に戻る予定であることを説明するシンプルな表現です。 "My holiday ends today,tomorrow it's back to work I go." こちらも、翌日仕事に戻ることを説明するのによい表現です。 "Back to work I go"は、イントネーションを上げて言うか(いいこと)、下げて言うか(皮肉)でいいことあるいはうれしくないこととして表現できます。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Today is my last day off. I go back to work tomorrow.

  • I'm off of work today, but I have to return to work tomorrow.

Saying, "Today is my last day off. I have to go back to work tomorrow." is explaining to someone that you were either on vacation until today, or you were off today, but you have work tomorrow. If someone asks you when your vacation ends, or if they ask you if you are off today, this would be a good way to respond to those questions. Example 1: A. When does your Christmas vacation end? B. Today is my last day off. I have to go back to work tomorrow. Example 2: A. Did you go to work today? B. I'm off of work today, but I have to return tomorrow.
"Today is my last day off. I have to go back to work tomorrow." 「今日までお休みです。明日から仕事に戻らなくてはなりません。」 あなたが今日まで休暇を取っていた、または今日は休みだと説明していますが、明日は仕事があります。 あなたの休暇が終わったときに誰かがあなたに尋ねるか、またはあなたが今日休みかどうかを聞いてきたなら、これはその質問に答える良い方法でしょう。     例1: A.” When does your Christmas vacation end?” A.「あなたのクリスマス休暇はいつ終わりますか?」 B. ”Today is my last day off. I have to go back to work tomorrow.” B.「今日までお休みです。 私は明日から仕事にもどらなければいけません。」     例2:   A. ”Did you go to work today?” A.今日仕事に行きましたか? B. ”I'm off of work today, but I have to return tomorrow.” B.今日仕事は休みですが、明日に戻らなければなりません。
Ashley P DMM英会話講師
  • Today is my last day off, I'm returning to work tomorrow.

Today is my last day off, I'm returning to work tomorrow." This means that you were on vacation on a couple of days, and today is your last day of vacation. Tomorrow, you will be returning to work.
Today is my last day off, I'm returning to work tomorrow."という例文について この文は、あなたが2、3日の休みを取っていたが今日が最後の休みの日だということを意味します。明日は、仕事に戻ります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • "Today is the last day of my holiday. I have to go back to work tomorrow"

  • "Today is my last day off, I am back to work as normal tomorrow"

  • "My holiday will end tomorrow when I head back to work"

If you wanted to explain that you have until today off then start work again tomorrow, you could say any of the following: "Today is the last day of my holiday. I have to go back to work tomorrow", "Today is my last day off, I am back to work as normal tomorrow" or "My holiday will end tomorrow when I head back to work".
「今日まで休みで、また明日から仕事です」は次のように言えます。 "Today is the last day of my holiday. I have to go back to work tomorrow"(今日が休暇の最後の日です。また明日から仕事です) "Today is my last day off, I am back to work as normal tomorrow"(今日が休暇の最後の日です。また明日から仕事です) "My holiday will end tomorrow when I head back to work"(休暇は今日で終わりで、また明日から仕事です)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I am off today and back tomorrow.

  • I am off until tomorrow. I go back to work then.

  • I have one more day off until I go back tomorrow.

I am off today and back tomorrow. I am off until tomorrow. I go back to work then. I have one more day off until I go back tomorrow. All of these should help you out. They are more or less saying the same thing, just different ways of saying the same thing. Have fun with them. Pick and mix. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
I am off today and back tomorrow.(今日は休みですが明日から仕事です) I am off until tomorrow. I go back to work then.(今日まで休みで、明日からまた仕事です) I have one more day off until I go back tomorrow.(あと一日休みで明日からまた仕事です) どの例でも伝わると思います。これらは、ただ言い方が違うだけで、基本的に同じ意味です。組み替えて使ってもいいですよ、遊んでみてください。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I am back at work tomorrow after my days off.

  • It's my last day of holiday - I'm back at work tomorrow.

  • I will return to work tomorrow after a break.

These all explain that today is your last day of a break/holiday/time off from your job and you will return to work tomorrow. When someone asks you about your time off, you are able to give them a clear answer about what is happening today and tomorrow with your time.
Adrianna DMM英会話講師
  • Tuesday is my last day of leave.

  • My leaves ends on Wednesday so I'll be back in office on Thursday.

1.Tuesday is my last day of leave. The word "leave"' means taking a leave of absence from work. This sentence means that your leave ends on Tuesday and that you'll be back at work on Wednesday. 2.My leaves ends on Wednesday so I'll be back in office on Thursday. This is morespecific because it indicates when your leave of absence ends (Wednesday) and when you are meant to be back at work (Thursday).
1. Tuesday is my last day of leave.(休暇は火曜日までです) "leave" は仕事の「休暇」を指します。この文では、「休暇は火曜日までで、水曜日から仕事だ」と伝えています。 2. My leaves ends on Wednesday so I'll be back in office on Thursday.(休暇は水曜日までで、木曜日からまた仕事です) これはより明確です。休暇が終わる日(=水曜日)と仕事を再開する日(=木曜日)を伝えています。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • My vacation ends today and I have work tomorrow.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「My vacation ends today and I have work tomorrow.」 (意味)私の休暇は今日までで明日は仕事です。 <例文>When does your vacation end?/ My vacation ends today and I have work tomorrow. <訳>休暇はいつまで?/私の休暇は今日までで明日は仕事です。 参考になれば幸いです。
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