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2019/06/01 17:25
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  • Are you working today, or having a day off?

Are you working today, or having a day off? 今日は[仕事](ですか?それとも[休み](ですか? "Are you working today?"で「今日は働いていますか?」「今日は仕事ですが?」となります。休みは” a day off"となります。 因みに"holiday"や"vacation”は、長期の休みの時に使います。
Taeko O 英語講師
  • Are you working today?

  • Are you at work today (or, going to work)?

  • Do you have to work today, or do you have the day off?

We normally wouldn't ask someone if they "have work," but rather if they are working or if they have to work on any given day. When they don't, we can use the expression "day off," and we sometimes shorten it to simply, "off." For example, "I'm off work today." We also ask if someone is "going in to work," which can mean that they had a choice between working or taking time off. If the person works at home or outside of their office, it's more appropriate to ask if they are working that day.
"Do you have work today?" とは普通言いません、"Are you working today?" や "Do you have to work today?" という言い方をすることが多いです。 仕事の「[休日](」は "day off" と言えます、シンプルに "off" と言うこともあります。 例えば: "I'm off work today."([今日](は仕事が休みです) "Are you going into work today?"(今日は会社に行きますか)という言い方もあります。これは、会社に行くかどうかが自由だったときにも使います。 相手が在宅勤務だったり、会社以外で仕事をするなら、"Are you working today?" がより適切です。
Amy H English teacher
  • You off today?

When speaking to a friend or a colleague we may not ask the person whether or not they are working; we would simply ask "You off today," or "You off work today." This is a more realistic and native way of asking someone if they are not working. At the end of the phrase the pitch of you voice should raise (inflection) to show that you are asking asking a question.
友達や同僚に聞くなら、"Are you working today?" などとは言わないかもしれません。シンプルに "You off today?" や "You off work today?" と言えます。これは「今日は仕事ですか」の自然な言い方です。 この文は、質問と分かるよう最後を上り調子で言います。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have work today?

  • Is today your day off? Or are you working as per usual?

When you want to ask someone if they have work, or if they have the day off, you can say: "Do you have work today?" "Is today your day off? Or are you working as per usual?" "As per usual" means "as usual".
今日は仕事か休みか確認するなら、次のように言えます。 "Do you have work today?"(今日は仕事ですか) "Is today your day off? Or are you working as per usual?"(今日は休みですか、それともいつも通り仕事ですか) "as per usual" は "as usual"(いつも通り)という意味です。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Are you working today?

  • Do you have a day off today?

  • Are you off today?

These are all perfectly acceptable ways to find out if someone has to go to work. We can simply ask 'Are you working today?' or 'Do you have to work today?' or we can ask if they do not have to work by asking 'Do you have a day off today?' - a 'day off' refers to having a day free from working.
3例とも「今日は仕事ですか」と相手に確認するとき、使うことができます。 シンプルに 'Are you working today?'(今日は仕事ですか)や 'Do you have to work today?'(今日は仕事ですか)と聞いてもいいですし、'Do you have a day off today?' のように「今日は休みですか」という言い方もできます。 'day off' は「休日」のことです。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Are you working today?

  • Is today a work day?

  • Do you have the day off or are you working?

Here are three questions you can ask a person to see if they are working today! 1. "Are you working today?" - This is a simple way to ask if someone is working. 2. "Is today a work day?" - If someone has a schedule that changes this is a good way to ask if they are working. 3. "Do you have the day off or are you working?" - This is a good way to ask if you do not remember if the person is working or if they took the day off.
「今日は仕事ですか」の三通りの言い方です。 1. "Are you working today?"(今日は仕事ですか)→「今日は仕事ですか」のシンプルな言い方です。 2. "Is today a work day?"(今日は仕事ですか)→相手が不定休の仕事をしているなら、これはすごくいい言い方です。 3. "Do you have the day off or are you working?"(今日は休みですか、仕事ですか)→これは、今日相手が仕事かどうか忘れてしまったときに使えます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Are you working today?

  • Do you have to go into work today?

  • Will you be working today?

You can use these to ask if someone is working today. Below are ways they could be used in a sentence. I didn't see you on the schedule today. Do you have to go in? You're not usually off on Monday's. Do you have to go into work today? I wanted to hang out today, maybe we could go to the beach, do you work today?
「今日仕事ですか」は上記のように言えます。 文の中では次のように使えます。 I didn't see you on the schedule today. Do you have to go in? (スケジュールにあなたの名前は載ってなかったけど、今日は仕事に行くの?) You're not usually off on Monday's. Do you have to go into work today? (いつもは月曜日は休みじゃないよね、今日は仕事に行くの?) I wanted to hang out today, maybe we could go to the beach, do you work today? (今日一緒に遊びたいなと思ったんだけど。ビーチにでも行かない?今日は仕事ですか?)
Berta DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have to work today?

  • Are you working today?

  • Are you off today?

There are lots of ways to ask someone whether they are working or not. Here are a few. Are you working today? Do you have to work today? Are you off today? (In this case you do not need to say 'work' as it is implied.) Are you off work today? Are you working today or do you have the day off? What days are you working this week? What days are you off this week? *Off = not working
仕事かどうかを尋ねる言い方はたくさんあります。 例えば: Are you working today?(今日は仕事ですか) Do you have to work today?(今日は仕事ですか) Are you off today?(今日は休みですか) ※ ここでは 'work' は言わなくても大丈夫です、そのニュアンスを既に含んでいます。 Are you off work today?(今日は休みですか) Are you working today or do you have the day off?(今日は仕事ですか、休みですか) What days are you working this week?(今週は何曜日が仕事ですか) What days are you off this week?(今週は何曜日が休みですか) *Off = 仕事がない/休みの
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Do you have to go to work today?

  • Are you working today?

  • Do you have the day off work?

There are a couple of different ways to ask if someone has work to do or if they have the day off. The question 'Do you have to go to work today?' is something you would ask only if the person has to go to a place of work. There are many situations where people now work from their homes or have work to do in the day, but don't necessarily have to go to their place of work. In this case 'Are you working today?' is a more accurate choice if their work doesn't mean they have to go to an office or site for their work. A really simple way to ask in either of these situations is 'Do you have the day off work?' , which focuses on not having to do any work, no matter the place or type of work it is.
「今日は仕事ですか、それとも休みですか」は、いくつか言い方があります。 'Do you have to go to work today?'(今日は仕事に行くのですか)は、職場に行って仕事をする人に対して使います。最近は在宅勤務や必ずしも職場に行く必要のない仕事も多いですね。相手がそのような仕事をしているなら、'Are you working today?'(今日は仕事をしますか)がより正確です。 これらどちらの状況でも使えるシンプルな言い方は: 'Do you have the day off work?'(今日は休みですか) これは「休み」に焦点を当てています。職種に関係なく使うことができます。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
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