By arranging with the right height, it will be difficult for the packages to tip over.
「高さを揃えた方が荷物が崩れにくいです」は英語で「By arranging with the right height, it will be difficult for the packages to tip over.」と言えます。
また、最終的な和文「パレットの上に段ボールを積み上げるのにあと何箱分かあれば同じ高さに積み上げられますが、今の注文数だと高さが揃わなくてもしかしたら輸送中崩れる恐れがあります 」も英訳しましょう。下記の英文通りになります。
If we had more cardboard boxes to stack up on the pallet, it would be possible to stack them up at the same height. However, with the current order number, by not properly arranging the height, there's the chance that it will tip over during transportation.