Please enter data exactly as instructed in order to have a good grasp of the situation.
Please enter data exactly as ordered to understand what is going now.
現状をは把握するため in order to have a good grasp of the situation, to understand what is going on now
指示通りに the way you are instructed, the way you are ordered, exactly as instructed, exactly as ordered
データを入力する enter data, input data
Please enter data exactly as instructed in order to have a good grasp of the situation.
Please enter data exactly as ordered to understand what is going now.
Please enter the data accurately according to the instructions to ensure we correctly understand the situation.
"Please enter the data accurately" は「データを正確に入力してください」という意味です。
"According to the instructions" は「指示通りに」の意味で使われています。
"To ensure we correctly understand the situation" で「状況を正確に把握するために」という意図を伝えています。