"Today's education and legislation can't keep up with the progress of social media."
- "Today's education and legislation can't keep up with the progress of social media."
"today's ~" 「現代の〜」
"education" 「教育」
"legislation" 「法整備」
"can't keep up with ~" 「〜に追いついていない」
"the progress of social media" 「SNSの進化」
"the progress of ~" 「〜の進化」
"social media" 「SNS」
"Modern education and legislation are not keeping up with the evolution of social media."
・Modern education and legislation are not keeping up with the evolution of social media.
ここで「keeping up with」は「〜に追いつく」、「evolution」は「進化」を指します。この表現は、日常的で自然な英語の言い回しです。