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オリンピックで国歌が流れます 流れるはどんな動詞ですか
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2016/08/21 19:22
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  • Play

これは「再生する」と同じで Play が使われます。 They play national anthem 国家を流す
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • The national anthem of the winner's nation/country is played.

フォーマルな言い方ということですから、動詞は play でしょうね。 カジュアルでよければ、Let's hear... みたいな言い方もできます。 The national anthem of the winner's nation/country is played. 勝者の国の国家が演奏されます。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • Play/Played

  • The national anthem of the country is played

The verb to hear music or the national anthem is 'play' so you would play music to listen to if the music is hearable then it is said to be 'played' so the music is played (present) the music was played (past)
音楽あるいは国歌が「流れる」というときの動詞は 'to play' です。'to play music' で「音楽をかける」となります。 「音楽が流れる」は 'the music is played'(現在)、 「音楽が流れた」は 'the music was played'(過去)となります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • When the winner is announced the countries national anthem is played.

  • The National anthem is then played

"Announced" used to describe a situation in this case when the winner has been declared, usually used in a formal and public sense. To play, used in a present and future tense "They will play the national anthem" Played, used in a past tense "The National anthem is then played"
"Announced"(発表される)はこの場合、勝者が発表にされる状況を表します。"Announced" は普通、一般大衆が参加する正式なものについて使われます。 "To play" は現在および未来時制で使われます。 "They will play the national anthem"(国歌が流れます) "Played" は過去時制で使われます。 "The National anthem is then played" (その後、国歌が流れます)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • The winner's national anthem is played (during the Olympic award ceremony)

You are discussing the Olympics and wish to state that the winner's national anthem is played during the presentation ceremony. try the above example sentence.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The national anthem is played of the winning country.

  • The winner's national anthem is played.

The word "played" refers to hearing the music. For example: "Our national anthem is being played at the Olympics." "I played music while I was in the car." You can also use the word "play" when speaking in present tense.
"played" は音楽が流れることを表します。 例えば: "Our national anthem is being played at the Olympics."(私たちの国の国歌がオリンピックで流れています) "I played music while I was in the car."(車に乗っている間音楽をかけました) 現在時制では、"play" も使うことができます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • During the medal ceremony at the Olympics, the national anthem of the winner's country is played.

This is a very clear way to provide context about exactly what you are talking about. The verb used to describe when music is used is "play."I hope that this helps! :)
ここでは、文脈を加えて、あなたの言いたいことを明確に伝えています。 「音楽が流れる」というときの動詞には "play" を使います。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • At the Olympics, the national anthem of the winning country is played.

  • The national anthem of the winning country is played at the Olympics.

  • Whichever country wins the Olympics gets to have their national anthem played.

The winning country is the country that has won all the necessary points in a game. A national anthem is a song that is identified with a specific country. The Olympic Games are international sporting events featuring summer and winter sports competitions where thousands of athletes from all over the world compete in different events.
"The winning country" とは試合に勝った国をいいます。 "A national anthem" は国歌のことです。 "The Olympic Games"(オリンピック)は、世界中のアスリートがさまざまな競技で競い合う国際的なスポーツイベントです。夏と冬に行われます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • During the Olympics, the national anthem of the winner is played

  • When receiving their medal, the winner's national anthem is played

  • Whoever wins at the Olympics, has their national anthem played at the medal ceremony

When describing a song/ national anthem, the verb 'to play' is always used when describing how the music is played out loud. The time at which the national anthem is played for the winner is always in the medal ceremony i.e the ceremony at the end of the event in which the winners stand on a podium and receive their medal prize. Example Sentences: 'I want my National Anthem to be played when I win the gold medal.' 'I heard the french national anthem being played before, France must have won!'
歌あるいは国歌が大音量で流れることは、'to play' という動詞で表します。 勝者のために国歌が流れるのは 'medal ceremony'(イベントの最後に行われる式典で、勝者が表彰台に立ちメダルを受け取る)です。 例文: 'I want my National Anthem to be played when I win the gold medal.'(金メダルを取って国歌を流したい) 'I heard the french national anthem being played before, France must have won!'(フランスの国歌が流れるのが聞こえたから、きっとフランスが勝ったに違いない)
Harriet R DMM英会話講師
  • The national anthem of the winner's country is played.

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: ・The national anthem of the winner's country is played. 優勝者の国の国歌が流れます。 national anthem で「国歌」という意味の英語表現です。 ここでの play は「(音楽等を)流す」ニュアンスで使われています。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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