"I'm having a race with my brother to see which is the fastest way home, the bus or the train."
- "I'm having a race with my brother to see which is the fastest way home, the bus or the train."
"I'm having a race with my brother" 「お兄ちゃんと競争してるんだ」
"having a race" 「競争している」
"with my brother" 「お兄ちゃんと」"with my older brother"も言えます。
"to see which is the fastest way home" 「どちらが早く家に着くか」"fastest" の代わりに "quickest" や "best" も使えます。
"which is ~" 「どちらが〜」
"the fastest" 「早く」
"way home" 「帰る道」
"the bus or the train" 「バスと電車」・「バスか電車」