I did a thorough cleaning of the first floor which included vacuuming each room.
I vacuumed all the rooms on the first floor of our house when we did a big cleaning the other day.
ーI did a thorough cleaning of the first floor which included vacuuming each room.
thorough で「完全な・徹底的な」
to vacuum で「掃除機をかける」
ーI vacuumed all the rooms on the first floor of our house when we did a big cleaning the other day.
first floor of one's house で「家の一階」
a big cleaning で「大掃除」
I vaccuumed all the rooms on the first floor during some spring cleaning.
「大掃除で一階の部屋を全部掃除機をかけた」は英語で「I vaccuumed all the rooms on the first floor during some spring cleaning.」と言います。「大掃除」は英語で「spring cleaning」といい、海外で春は掃除の季節というイメージがありますが春じゃなくても「spring cleaning」はどの「大掃除」でも使えると思います。
I vaccuumed all the rooms on the first floor during some spring cleaning and now I'm tired.
I vacuumed all the rooms on the first floor during the end of the year cleaning.
大掃除は直訳すれば、「big cleaning」になりますが、この表現は海外であまり知らないと思います。近くの表現「spring cleaning」と言いますが、春の頃行います。
冬の大掃除でしたら、「end of the year cleaning」という風に言えます。
そうすると、「大掃除で一階の部屋を全部掃除機をかけた」は英語にしたら、「I vacuumed all the rooms on the first floor during the end of the year cleaning.」になります。