世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/23 15:18
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  • Please start eating.

  • You can go ahead and start without me.

  • You should go ahead and eat your food while it is still warm.

「お早めにお召し上がり下さい」は英語に訳すとこのようになります。 Please start eating. 英語では、日本語のように「食べて下さい」と「召し上がり下さい」の丁寧さの区別は存在しませんので、目上の人や親しい友達や親戚等に「Please start eating」と言えば自然です。「Please」が入っていたら失礼ではないです。 他の言い方はこのようです。 You can go ahead and start without me. (自分より)早めに食べてもいいよ〜 Please eat! 食べて下さい Don't let your food get cold. 食事が冷めないように〜 You should go ahead and eat your food while it is still warm. 食事が暖かいうちに食べて下さい You should go ahead and eat your food while it is still fresh. 新鮮なうちに食べて下さい 英語頑張りましょう。
  • Please enjoy[eat] it while it's fresh.

  • Please enjoy[eat] it before it goes bad.

mmtsさんへ お尋ねの状況(新鮮なうちに)を 表すには、以下の2通りが適当です。 A Please enjoy[eat] it while it's fresh. B Please enjoy[eat] it before it goes bad. Aは、while it's fresh「新鮮なうちに」 Bは、before it goes bad「悪くなる前に」 ということで、少しニュアンスが違うだけです。 この goes は、becomes と考えれば分かりやすいです。 英語では、ネガティブな状況に「なる」時に、go をよく 使います。 ex. The food went bad. その食べ物は悪くなった → 腐った ex. The milk went sour. その牛乳は酸っぱくなった → 腐った ex. The company went bankrupt. その会社は倒産状態になった → 倒産した ex. The man went bald. その男性は、ハゲてしまった(頭髪が) / went blind. 目が見えなくなってしまった        / went deaf. 耳が聞こえなくなってしまった ・・・少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 mmtsさんの英語学習の成功を願っております。 LLD外語学院 学院長 前川 未知雄
Michio Maekawa アスリート・イングリッシュ・マイスター
  • 1. Eat it while it's fresh

  • 2. This fruit doesn't last long - best eat it today

  • 3. You'd better eat that yoghurt today or it'll go off.

1. fresh = recently taken from the field or garden, or just recently made. 2. You state the fruit may not be edible soon and recommend it is eaten today. 3.You'd better .. - we use this expression when advising someone about a preferable course of action. "It's cloudy today. You'd better take your umbrella"
1. fresh = 庭や土地からとってきて新鮮な、作られてすぐ、という意味。 2. すぐに食べられなくなってしまうから、今日中に食べることをお勧めする言い方です。 3.You'd better .. -この表現は、誰かに良い方法などを教えるときに言います。 "It's cloudy today. You'd better take your umbrella" 今日はくもってるね。傘持っていたほうがいいよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Best to eat it straight away

  • Get it while it's hot!

Straight' can be used in lots of different ways in English. In this context, it is used to mean 'immediately'. There is a common phrase used to describe eating hot, cooked food when it has been freshly prepared, which is: "Get it while it's hot!".
"Best to eat it straight away"(お早めにお召し上がりください。) "straight"は英語で様々な方法で使われます。この文脈の場合、"immediately"(すぐに)という意味で使われています。 "Get it while it's hot!"(温かいうちにお召し上がりください。) 新鮮に準備された温かい料理を食べる一般的な表現です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • It is best eaten fresh.

  • Eat it before it goes cold.

"It is best eaten fresh." This applies to baked things and fruit or veg that should be eaten as soon as possible so it tastes better. "Eat it before it goes cold." This applies more to cooked foods. They will taste best when they are freshly cooked and still warm rather than cold or reheated.
"It is best eaten fresh." This applies to baked things and fruit or veg that should be eaten as soon as possible so it tastes better. It is best eaten fresh=新鮮なうちに食べるのがベスト。火を通したもの、フルーツまたは野菜を、出来るだけ早く食べた方が美味しいということ。 "Eat it before it goes cold." This applies more to cooked foods. They will taste best when they are freshly cooked and still warm rather than cold or reheated. Eat it before it goes cold=冷める前に食べて。温め直したり、冷めてから食べるより、まだ温かいうちに食べた方が一番美味しい。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • eat it while its fresh

  • it's better if you eat it straight away

  • it tastes better when eaten fresh

example "It tastes better when eaten freshly cooked." or "It's better if you eat it straight away." or "Eat it when it's freshly cooked, as it tastes better."
"It tastes better when eaten freshly cooked." 出来立てを食べた方がおいしいです。   "It's better if you eat it straight away." すぐに食べたほうがおいしいです。 "Eat it when it's freshly cooked, as it tastes better." 出来立てを食べてください。その方がおいしいですから。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Fresher is better.

  • The taste is better if you eat it whiles its fresh.

  • Go ahead and start eating without me.

"Go ahead and start eating without me." tells someone that you might be late or take longer to arrive to eat later than expected and that they should start eating without you.
【例】 Go ahead and start eating without me. (私の事は気にしないで、さっさと食べてください) これは、あなたが到着するのが遅れてしまうかもしれないので、 あなたのことは気にせずに先に食事を始めてください、 という意味になります。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • It's better to eat while it's fresh.

  • It's better to eat it before it goes back.

Here we can say that its better to eat, "while it's fresh," or better to eat something, "before it goes bad," as these two concepts are the opposites of each other. We can also use the verb, "while it's still good," to mean the same thing as well.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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