世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/23 15:46
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  • The atmosphere feels completely different at night.

  • This place feels like a completely different place at night.

  • This place looks like a completely different place at night.

「夜になるとまた違った雰囲気」は英語に訳したいならこのようは自然です。 The atmosphere feels completely different at night. (atmosphere=雰囲気) けれども英語では「atmosphere」という言葉は使えば使うけれでも、日本語の「雰囲気」よりよく使わないです。なので、このように言えば同じ感じや意味外が伝われます。 This place feels like a completely different place at night. 夜になるとこの辺は完全に違う場所になる感じがする。 This place looks like a completely different place at night. 夜になるとこの辺は完全に違う場所に見えます。 日中=during the daytime; during the day 街並み= townscape; the appearance of stores and houses on a street; the look of stores and houses on a street
  • it has a completely different vibe in the evenings

  • the atmosphere is totally different at night

  • it's a buzzing place to be at night time

examples "it is totally different at night, it has a really good vibe" or "the atmosphere is totally different in the evening" or "it's buzzing in the evening".
例 "It is totally different at night, it has a really good vibe" (夜は全く違いますね、良い雰囲気です) "The atmosphere is totally different in the evening" (夜は雰囲気が全く違いますね) "It's buzzing in the evening". (夜は騒がしいですね)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • The atmosphere is completely different at night, isn't it?

The atmosphere is completely different at night, isn't it? 夜の雰囲気、また全然ちがうね! 「〜も好き!」と直接表現しなくても声のトーンなどで十分「雰囲気がよい」というのが伝わると思います。「〜じゃない?」と付加疑問で相手に問いかけるような言い方をするとまた気持ちが伝わりやすいかと思います。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • The vibe is completely different at night.

  • The atmosphere changes at night.

  • The ambience is different in the evening.

雰囲気= atmosphere "vibe" is a more casual way to say "atmosphere", where is "ambience" is a more formal way.
雰囲気= atmosphere "vibe"は"atmosphere"よりもカジュアルな言い方で、"ambience"は"atmosphere"よりもフォーマルな言い方です。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • This place is almost unrecognisable at night.

  • It feels completely different in the evening.

This place is almost unrecognizable at night' shows that the place cannot be recognized as the same venue in the evening time. 'It feels completely different in the evening.' explains that the vibe feels very different during the night.
This place is almost unrecognizable at night' この場所は、夜になると全く変わるね。 これは、夜になるとその場所が昼間とは同じではないほどかわるという意味です。   'It feels completely different in the evening.' 夜は全く違った感じがする。 これは、夜にはとても違った雰囲気になるという意味です。
Hannah E DMM英会話講師
  • It's totally different here at night

  • The atmosphere of this place changes in the night

  • This place feels different at night to how it does in the day time.

these sentences are comparing the difference in the atmosphere of a place from day to night time. To extend this explanation you could comment on what about the atmosphere is different! Is it more lively at night? or does it go really quiet?
「ある場所の昼と夜の雰囲気の違い」を表現する文です。 これに続けて、どんな風に違うか言ってもいいでしょう。 夜になるともっと「にぎやか(lively)」になりますか? それとも、すごく「静か(quiet)」になりますか?
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • You wouldn't recognise this place at night

  • This place feels totally different at night

If you are standing in one location during the day and all the neon lights have been turned off and the venues have closed shutters and locked doors, it may well be quite unrecognisable from the night before. You could say: "You wouldn't recognise this place at night." Or, "This place feels totally different at night."
日中ずっと同じところにたっていて、ネオンの光が消えて、その場所がシャッターを下げてドアをしめた。 前とはうってかわって見違えるようだ。そんなとき、こう言えます。 "You wouldn't recognise this place at night." または "This place feels totally different at night."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The cityscape has a different atmosphere between day and night.

  • The cityscape's atmosphere feels different between day and night.

Here we can use these two expressions to talk about the change in atmosphere between day and night. We can use the possessive form of, "the cityscape's atmosphere," or talk about how it, "has a different atmosphere." We can also use the verb, "to feel," when talking about the atmosphere in the second example.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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