Let's cross out/off yesterday's date on the calendar!
「斜線」はdiagnal lineですので、「斜線を引く」はdraw a diagnal lineになりますが、「斜線で消す」ことはcross outとcross offと言いますので、上記にそれの方を提案しています。
「昨日の日付」は辞書的にyesterday's dateですが、yesterdayだけでも自然な言い方です。
例文:After breakfast, let's cross off yesterday on the calendar!
Let's draw a line through yesterday on the calendar.
Let's put a diagonal line through yesterday on the calendar.
ーLet's draw a line through yesterday on the calendar.
ーLet's put a diagonal line through yesterday on the calendar.
a diagonal line で「斜線」
After our breakfast, let's draw a line through yesterday on the calendar.