This is a bit tricky.
Are you saying that:
1. "Don't waste time, because you could be making money" - This means that if you waste time, you are wasting money. This is the way I use it.
Some people don't like to waste time, because they could be using that time to make more money.
I would like you to think of big time businessmen who end of their meetings with "Don't waste my time... Time is money."
In my opinion, this means that by entertaining you, and listening to you, they are losing out on time (when they could rather be working and making money).
2. Time is (as valuable as) money - I noticed that many anchors wrote this. Are you saying that time and money are equally significant in life?
To me, people don't use the expression "Time is money" when they want to express this. This is related to the VALUE of both time and money, and that they are the same.
1. Don't waste time because you could be making money
これは、時間を無駄にすることはお金を無駄にすること、という意味ですね。人によっては時間を無駄にすることで、その分お金を稼げたのに、と思う人もいるでしょう。大物のビジネスマンがミーティングの最後にこんなことを言うイメージですね。”Don't waste my time... Time is money.みたいにね。
個人的な意見ですが、この場合、せっかくもてなしたのに、または せっかくあなたの話をきいたのに、その価値のない話だったと言いたいときに使います。
Time is (as valuable as) money: これみんな書いてますけど、人生でお金って時間と同じくらい大切だっていうことを言いたいんですかね?僕の周りの人は、そういうことを言いたいときにこれはあんまり使いません。お金と時間の価値(value)が同じくらいって言いたいわけで、同じじゃないですからね。
Time is as valuable as money.
セレンさんのおっしゃるとおり Time is money. がピッタリだと思います。
Time is money. は「時間はお金と同じくらい価値がある」ということですよね、それを英語にしてみました。
valuable は「有益な」という意味です。
[as ... as A]で「A と同じくらい…」となります。
Tom's not as old as you, is he?
I can't run as fast as I used to.
She'll soon be as tall as her mother.
【出典:Cambridge Dictionary】
Every second we are wasting here, we are losing money.
Don't waste time, I have to go. Time is money
Most activities are linked to the efficient usage of time because they are paid for via the calculation of time. For example, a factory worker may be hourly paid. He/she has to clock in at 8.00 AM and clock out at 17.00 PM. Should this person waste time somewhere else and clock in at 9.00 AM, he/she will have lost 1 hour and will not get paid for it. So, wherever he wasted that 1 hour, he could have told the time wasters:
Don't waste my time, I have to go. Time is money or
Every second I am wasting here, I am losing money. Time is money.
Don't waste my time, I have to go. Time is money
Every second I am wasting here, I am losing money. Time is money.
Time is money.
というかむしろこれはTime is money.
Time is as expensive as money.
Time is as dear as money,
Money and time as costly.
Do not waste time, it is as pricey as money!
Time is as expensive as money.
Time is as dear as money,
Money and time as costly.
Do not waste time, it is as pricey as money!
I have no time to waste on this project....since time is money ... for me!
It's an "Ancient" adage that really does go back centuries...And as things go it has
never been more true than it is today. We cannot afford to waste our time!
I have no time to waste on this project since time is money for me!
これは何世紀も前から伝わる "Ancient" (古代の)ことわざです。今日でもこれは何よりも正しく物事を表しています。私たちは時間を無駄にする余裕はありません。
"I have no time to waste on this project since time is money for me!"
1. Time is money = time is a valuable resource, therefore it's better to do things as quickly as possible.
"I can't wait here all day you know! Can you hurry up! Time's money!"
2. if you are speaking personally, and are being delayed by someone or something, you could use this phrase, or something similar to express your unhappiness with this situation: "I'm losing money waiting here, you know."
1. Time is money = 時間は有限で価値のあるものだ。そのため、できることはなるべく早くやった方が良い。
例:"I can't wait here all day you know! Can you hurry up! Time's money!"
2. 誰かや何かによって遅れてしまったという個人的なことについて話すのなら、このフレーズ良いでしょう。
"I'm losing money waiting here, you know." ここで待っているだけで損失だよ。わかるだろ。
The true form of the expression would be, "time is money," which refers to the idea that our time is very important we need to use it valuably.
Example sentences :
This better be important, time is money!
I hope you're not wasting my time, time is money after all