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海外の美容室で、日本人スタッフを指名したいとき。Can I get a Japanese haircut?とか Can I get a haircut by Japanese staff?でいいのでしょうか?
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2016/08/26 09:17
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  • I would like to have a Japanese hair stylist.

  • I would like to make an appointment with a Japanese staff.

美容院などで、日本人の方を指定する時は以下のように言えます。 1)I would like to have a Japanese hair stylist for my appointment. =日本人のヘアスタイリストさんをお願いします。 2)I would like to make an appointment with a Japanese staff. =日本人スタッフさんとの予約を取りたいのですが。 I hope it helps :)
  • Could I request a Japanese stylist to cut my hair please?

  • Would there be a Japanese stylist available for me please?

Would there/it/.....? = an indirect question form (polite) Could I/you....? = an indirect question form (polite) May I...?= asking permission to do something (polite)
Would there/it/.....? = 間接的で丁寧な質問。 Could I/you....? = 間接的で丁寧な質問。 May I...?= 何かをお願いする丁寧な表現。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, can I have a Japanese hair stylist?

  • I would like to have a Japanese hair stylist.

  • Can a Japanese hair stylist cut my hair, please?

All three expressions are good for the situation and are used in everyday life.
Entei DMM英会話講師
  • I'd prefer a Japanese stylist cut my hair, if possible.

  • Is there a Japanese stylist available to cut my hair?

Any of these statement can be used to ask for a Japanese hair stylist :- 1. I'd prefer a Japanese stylist cut my hair, if possible. "I'd" is a shortened way of saying "I would" Prefer = To choose one thing instead of another thing. 2. Is there a Japanese stylist available to cut my hair? This is a polite way of asking for a Japanese stylist to cut your hair.
どちらも、日本人のスタイリストをお願いするときに使うことができます: 1. I'd prefer a Japanese stylist cut my hair, if possible.(可能なら、日本人のスタイリストに切ってもらいたいです) "I'd"は"I would"の省略です。 Prefer = ~の方を選ぶ 2. Is there a Japanese stylist available to cut my hair?(髪を切ってもらえる日本人のスタイリストはいますか?) これは、日本人のスタイリストをお願いする丁寧な言い方です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Is a Japanese stylist available?

ご質問の文章ですが、"Can I get a Japanese haircut?"は「日本的なヘアカットをしてもらいたいのですが。」というような意味にとられます。"Can I get a haircut by Japanese staff?" なら通じますが、私なら "Is a Japanese stylist available?" 「日本人スタイリストさんは空いていますか。」 と言います。海外では美容師さんは独立した技術者としてみなされているので、一従業員(staff)ではなくstylistと呼んであげるといいです。予約する時はavailable? 彼女の予定が「空いているかどうか」と聞くといいですよ。 同文の後にこう付け加えることもできますよ。 Is a Japanese stylist... 「日本人スタイリストさんは...」 ...available sometime this weekend?  今週末いつか空いていますか。 ...available for a haircut? カット予約を受け付けられますか。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • Japanese hair stylist

"May I have a Japanese hairdresser, please?" "Is it possible for a Japanese stylist to cut my hair, please?" "I would like a Japanese hair stylist, please!"
例 "May I have a Japanese hairdresser, please?" 日本人の美容師さんでお願いします。 "Is it possible for a Japanese stylist to cut my hair, please?" 日本人のスタイリストさんに切ってもらいたいのですが可能ですか? "I would like a Japanese hair stylist, please!" 日本人のヘアスタイリストさんが良いです。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Can the Japanese stylist cut my hair,please?

  • I would like a Japanese hairstylist please.

hairstylist/stylist - a person who cuts and styles people's hair professionally. ------------------------------------- "Can the Japanese stylist cut my hair,please?" "I would like a Japanese hairstylist please?"
hairstylist/stylist - 専門的に人の髪を切ったりスタイリングする人 ------------------------------------- "Can the Japanese stylist cut my hair,please?"(日本人の美容師さんに私の髪を切ってもらえますか?) "I would like a Japanese hairstylist please?"(日本人の美容師さんをお願いできますか?)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a Japanese stylist?

  • Can I have a Japanese hair dresser cut my hair please?

  • Do you have a hair dresser from Japan?

All of the above are good sentences to use. We tend to say hair dresser in the UK. If it is a man's hair dresser then we call them a barber. A barber cuts men's hair and a hair dresser cut's women's hair Hope this helps Jane :)
上記の分はどれでも使えます。 UKではhair dresserというのが一般的です。 男性のhair dresserの場合はbarberと言います。 barberは男性用でhair dresserは女性用です。 お役に立てれば幸いです。 Jane:)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • A) I would like a Japanese hair-stylist to cut my hair please.

  • B) Would there be any Japanese stylists available to cut my hair ?

A) I would like a Japanese hair-stylist to cut my hair please. *Hair-Stylist -a person who cuts and styles people's hair professionally. B) Would there be any Japanese stylists available to cut my hair ? *Available - able to Example - Would you be available tomorrow for coffee ? I hope this helps :-)
A) I would like a Japanese hair-stylist to cut my hair please.(日本人の美容師さんに髪を切っていただきたいです) *Hair-Stylist -専門的に人の髪を切ってスタイリングする人 B) Would there be any Japanese stylists available to cut my hair ? (髪をカットできる日本人の美容師さんはいらっしゃいますか?) *Available - able to (できる、可能な) 例 - Would you be available tomorrow for coffee ? (明日コーヒーを飲みに行けますか?) お役に立てば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
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