First of all, let's make sure of "things that don't have to be done"
First of all, let's make sure of "things that don't have to be done", before going over the "things that have to be done". By doing so, you'll be able to have more time and will be able to collect yourself emotionally.
「まずは「やらなくてもいいこと」を見極める」は英語で「First of all, let's make sure of "things that don't have to be done」と言えます。
また、「「やるべきこと」を積み上げる前に、まずは「やらなくてもいいこと」を見極めると、時間や気持ちのゆとりが増えます。」と言いたいなら、そうすると、「First of all, let's make sure of "things that don't have to be done", before going over the "things that have to be done". By doing so, you'll be able to have more time and will be able to collect yourself emotionally.」という風に言えます。